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~•Aphmau's POV•~

"What!? What do you mean he's leaving town?" I shouted at Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn. They had just informed me that Laurance was leaving the neighborhood. Which meant he was leaving me.

"Let me explain, Kawaii~Chan," Katelyn said to her. She turned back at me with sad eyes.

"Aphmau, we don't exactly know what happened. But Laurance gave us some information he'd like us to tell you. He just said that...you had broken his heart." It felt like my heart just shattered into a million pieces.

"WHAT!? What did he see!?"

"He said something about you and Garroth...he somehow saw you two kissing or...well, the more accurate word to use would be...making out."

"N-No! That was so dumb of me! Wait, that was outside the house...how did he see that? Was he eavesdropping us!?"

"We don't know...he didn't explain very much...you should ask him...if he's not gone yet."

"When is he leaving!?" I asked.

"Laurance~Kun said he'd be leaving back to his hometown. He said around 3:00 AM on the bus he'd be leaving. If Aphmau~Senpai goes soon, she can go stop him...if Laurance~Senpai is convinced however." Said Kawaii~Chan.

"Wait, it's 2:00 AM, correct?" They nodded, "I have to get him! He can't just leave me like that! Why!? He's gotten jealous before! Is he really-"

"Aphmau, calm down. I'm sure if you go talk to him, he'll stay. You're the one he loves after all. He might just stay if you get to him in time." Katelyn suggested.

"I will! And I won't leave him until he comes back! I don't care what I have to do in order to get him back! I lo- I mean...he's a great friend to me!" I shouted. With that, I ran upstairs to get dressed into my winter clothes to go outside. I put on my sweater, scarf, jeans, and my boots. I waited until 3:00. It was probably good to go early though in case the bus comes early. As I was about to walk out the door, I got a text. It read:

APHMAU, ARE YOU INSANE!? It was from Cadenza, Laurance's sister.

Cadenza? What are you talking about? I knew what she was talking about however...


Cadenza, I'm so sorry! I really am!

I'm sorry Aphmau, I know I've forgiven you in the past but sometimes even friends can't be forgiven.

And she left. Tears filled my eyes and I ran out the door to find the bus stop at the end of the street. My cold breath was visible in the dark midnight air. My long scarf blew in the wind behind me. My hands trembled from the cold; or maybe I was just nervous. I ran and ran until I would make it and I did. From a distance, I looked over at the bus stop.

Laurance was there.

Standing under the lamppost waiting for the bus. Ready to leave me. But why me? Doesn't he love me? I continued to run.

"L-Laurance! Laurance, y-you're crazy!" I shouted from afar. As soon as I got there, he didn't even turn to look at me. He stood there looking at the ground ignoring me. Completely ignoring the woman he loves. Or, use to love.

"Laurance, why!? Why would you leave me!?" He still didn't answer. I took another step closer. "Laur-"

"I saw what you did." He said out of the blue.


"You know what I'm talking about. You made out with Garroth. I saw the whole thing! When did you two get together!? You broke my heart, Aph..."

"No!" I shouted, "I-"

"You don't want to admit it. I know you love him and not me. It's okay. I'll just leave and you won't have to worry about me ruining everything else anymore." There was a silence. I spoke softer.

"You don't ruin anything! I love having you around, even if we can't be together. You're not actually leaving...are you?" More tears fell from my cheeks. "Please, don't."

"I don't want to get in the way of yours and Garroth's relationship. Let me leave Aphmau. I've already made up my mind."

"No! Y-You can't-" he turned to face me, I could tell he'd been crying.

"Just let me do this!" He paused, "for you and for Garroth's sake. You'll get use to not having me around, trust me. I'm always in the background anyway."

"No you aren't! You play an important part of my life!"

"No, Aphmau....I'm leaving."

I saw the bus coming from around the corner.

"Laurance! I'm begging you! I can change! I-I can always brake up with-" I stopped. "Fine..." I paused and turned around. "I never knew you were so selfish."

"I'm sorry, Aph." The bus stopped in front of him. I turned back around and stopped walking. The thought came to me.

I can't let him leave...I love him and I'll never be able to see him again.

I gasped and ran back over to him. He was halfway up the stairs already.

"Laurance, wait!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the bus.

"Aphmau, what are you-"

I cut him off with a kiss. He stumbled backward a few feet but I continued kissing him. The bus drove off without a care in the world. Eventually, he kissed back. I was relieved. I knew he still loved me. I knew the Laurance I know was still there. I pulled away blushing.

"I don't love Garroth, stupid. I never will. I've always loved you." His eyes were wide.

"What!? I don't get it...are you just saying that because-"

"No! I love you. I just didn't want to upset Garroth. I never wanted to make out with him in the first place. Trust me." I had stopped crying.

"I trust you. It was stupid of me to leave like that. I'm sorry. So sorry."

"I'm the one that should be sorry. I'm the one that started all this."

"I'm the one that loved you."

"No, I am."

"No! I am! I love you more."

"Nope! I love you way more." I giggled.

"Whoever's the better kisser is the one who loves the other more."

"Hey! *Ahem* I love you more."

I kissed him again to play his game. He kissed back. He was right, he's the better kisser.

"Fine!" We laughed.

"I told you so! Heh, what are we gonna do about...this? The others will find out eventually."

"Then we'll keep it secret." I winked and linked pinkies with him. "Promise?"

"Pinky promise." I giggled again and gripped his hand.

"Now let's head back."

"Agreed. Hope Garroth doesn't mind. Heh."

And then we walked home together

Welp, that was hard to rewrite! XD I have to rewrite everything! Ugh! Why did Wattpad have to take down the original account? *Ahem* Hope you liked it!


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