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Melody couldn't understand why this was happening. She sat behind the couch with her hands over her ears and knees up to her chest, where she sat she was able to see her brother Evan. He was laying on the floor where their dad had hit him when he was trying to stop him from hitting their mom. The yelling started to get loud making her terrified, tears started to run down her cheeks.

She was scared.

Scared of what her dad might do next, he would yell and hit her mom, then Evan, then her. He was a bad man and right now she wanted Evan by her side like always, holding her, telling her it's going to be okay and that he wouldn't let anyone hurt her. Her eyes shut and counted to ten like her mom has taught her. Her mom said that when the bad things were happening that it calls the angels to protect her. She had always wondered what angels looked like, if they have big white wings, how high can they fly or if they can take her for a ride.

"You're worthless just as these good for nothing kids!" Her dad yelled making her jump. "I should have killed them when we first found out." Mel didn't understand what he meant by that, but she knew the word kill was not a good word.

"No! Don't hurt the kids, Please Nick." Her mom's panic voice filled the air. "They are just kids, for god's sake!"

"I don't give a fuck." Everything went quiet and Mel was wondering if it was over, she was hoping it was over. Right when she was going to look for her mom, a scream made her stop.

"Nick, no!" Her mom's voice sent shivers down her little body.

Three loud sounds filled the air making Mel scream out in fear, she sat there crying for her mom. Her dad said something, but she was crying too hard to hear him, after a few minutes everything stopped. There was no yelling, no mean daddy around, no mom telling him to calm down. Nothing. Looking over at Evan she wonders if it was safe to look for her mom. Getting a small act of bravery she poked her head around the sofa to find her mom laying on the floor.

Crawling over to her mom she gasped when she saw blood all over her mom. Sitting next to her Mel started to cry once again, her mom's hand slowly lifted to her face covering it with blood.

"I love you, baby. Don't ever forget that," She whispered. "Tell Evan to be brave no matter what and that I love him too."

Mel leaned into her mom's hand seeking her comfort. "Mommy is daddy coming back?" she whispered as she laid down next to her mom, but no reply come from her mom Mel sat back up to find her mom's eyes closed. Did she fall asleep? She couldn't understand why she would be asleep at a time like this. Mel shook her mom over and over again hoping she would wake up.

But she never did.

The door slammed open with a bang making Mel look up scared. Her dad stood in the doorway, he looked to her then her mom and let out a mean laugh. He dropped a big bag on the floor and then pointed something at her. She didn't know what it was and just looked at it as if it was a foreign thing. Before her dad can say or do anything, yelling was heard from outside. Blue lights were coming inside from the open door and windows. That's when Mel realized they were policemen, they rushed inside and took her dad. She sat on the floor watching as her dad try to fight them off but it was no use.

When the policemen came back inside, one bent down and touched her mom's neck then looked to Mel with sad eyes. He reached out and picked her up pulling her close to his chest. He felt warm and it made her feel safe, she hide her head in his neck as he started to walk outside.

"It's okay honey. You're safe now," He said, but Mel ignored him as she looked at her mom. Her eyes then snapped to Evan as another policeman picked him up and carried him outside.

When the policeman tried to put her down she held on tighter. She was scared to let go, what if her dad came back? She wanted him here to protect her, she remembered that her mom said that policemen are nice. After a few tried he gave up and sat down and just held her.

"Looks like you are going to have to come with us to the hospital." Some lady said and she reached for Mel. But she got scared and a small whimper left her and once again she hid her face in the policeman's neck. He left out a small chuckle and started to rub her back lightly.

"Looks like you have your work cut out for you," He said as he kept rubbing her back. Mel couldn't understand why her mom wasn't coming with them. She always came with them no matter where they went. Was there something wrong? 


And so it begins, I know I said that I was going to be out this out in mid-May. BUT, I couldn't wait any longer. I hope you guys enjoying this book, I have big plans for it! And like always...until next time.



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