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Staring up at the ceiling, I knew where I was. Even since I was a little kid I have been in and out of the hospital. Panic attacks, anxiety attacks and when I got older depression episodes. So lying here in this bed was nothing new to me, but what was new was the fact that Evan was not here, in fact. No one was here. I was alone in this hospital room.

Pushing the nurse button, I wanted to know where my family was. A few minutes passed and a nurse came into the room. "It's good to finally see you up, you have been out for hours. My name is Sandy; I will be your nurse for the night." She checked all my vitals, then turned back to me. "Your family said they will be back in the morning when visiting hours are open."

Looking at the time I found it to be twelve. Letting my head fall back on the pillow my body started to feel achy. I have been out since one in the afternoon, thinking back to it I remember having a panic attack. Looking to the nurse once more she seemed to get what I was going to ask.

"You started to have a panic attack after the run in with some students at school. You passed out and hit your head on the floor, which is why you are in the hospital." She said while handing me a cup that had pills in them. "This is for the pain." Taking them I was hoping it was going to work fast, I hated having headaches. "And these are for your depression and anxiety."

Giving a tired sigh I downed them, even though I felt like I was getting better. I knew I can have an episode at any moment, depression was never going to go away nor my anxiety. I just have learn to manage it better, just like how I have to manage everything else. Laying back down, I pulled the blanking up in hopes to get more sleep.

"Buzz if you need anything." With that the nurse took her leave.

After countless hours of tossing and turning, I couldn't fall asleep. Turning to face the wall I was willing sleep to take me. My eyes felt heavy yet sleep would not come. Maybe I should ask the nurse if I can have some sleeping pills. I thought. Considering the thought, I figured it wouldn't hurt. Just as I turned around to push the nurse button, I realized I was not alone in the room.

"Trouble Sleeping?" He asked from the chair in the dark corner. "I heard you had quite a first day of school."

I wasn't sure what to do, he was the last person I'd expected to be in the here. But then again, he didn't look like the type to follow rules. Sitting up in the bed I stared at him, watching, what if he tries something? He stood up and walked a crossed room and stopped in front of the bed. He leaned in the frame on the bed and his muscles flexed drawing my eyes to them. Would I have time to press the button? I thought, looking back to his eyes, he caught on to what I was going to do.

He moved faster than I thought anyone could move, it was fast even for his size. My hands were pinned above my head and his body covered mine. As I tried to break free, he applied more of his weight stopping me from moving. I was completely helpless once again. My head turned to the size as he brought his head closer to me.

"Now, now. There is no need to cause a scene. I'm not here to hurt you, love." He whispered in my ear. "At least not this time, I heard you got hurt and I had to make sure you weren't broken."

Broken? What the hell does he mean by broken?

He shifted and his body aligned perfectly with mine. It scared me how much his body perfectly molded to mine. I know I should not like this feeling. Especially from a guy like him. Not only did he threaten my life, he threaten Evan's and my family. My family. I like the sound of that. No Mel. Focus. A startled gasp left me when I felt his breath on my neck, it lightly fanned over my skin giving me goosebumps.

"Did you think I was going to let something like this slide? You have a contract to uphold." He whispered into my neck, but his next words made me freeze. "You are mine, Melody. If you think that a guy like Ashton is going to get in the way of getting what is mine, you are wrong. We will meet again very soon to talk about what your end of the contract is."

Broken MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now