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"I cannot believe you left to France without telling us."

I finally master enough courage to call my dad and tell him. At first, it was dead quiet. Like he was waiting for me to say I'm joking. Once he processed that I am indeed in France, he blew up. Started cussing like there was no tomorrow. Throwing threats every time, he got, and while my dad was having an anger break down. Ares sat on the bed getting dressed with a smug look on his face.

"You want to see him really lose it. Tell him, not only did I take your daughter out the country. I fucked the shit out of her."

Grabbing a pillow, I threw it at him. In which he just blocked it and chuckled lightly. Walking out the room, I said in one of the roles and looked out the window.

"I didn't willing come." I sighed. "He tricked me into think I was able to go home first to back a bag. But no. We went to the airport where he carried me kicking and screaming, onto the jet."

"That's fucking kidnapping." My dad snapped. The sound of glass breaking filled my ear making me flinch at the sounds. "As soon as you land, tell the security team. The fuck I am letting you stay in France with that asshole-"

"That won't be necessary," Ares said as he took the phone from me. "She will be in good hands and I will keep her safe. Don't stress yourself out, she will be home Sunday night. She is aware of the deal she made and has to attend this public outing with me."

With that, he handed the phone back to me. Before I even put the phone to my ear I was able to hear Bo screening like there was no tomorrow. "Dad, please. You need to calm down. Ares is right, part of the deal of marrying him is attending business dinners and other events. Although, the way he handled it was not right, and sure it will not happen again. Not by a long shot."

"Where in that damn contract does it say you had to leave the country?" He snapped. "Where in the fine print does it say that?"

Giving a tired sigh, I knew he was right. Ares never said I was going to have to leave the country. He just picked me up, carried me on the jet, and we took off. He didn't give me a chance to warn anyone.

"I know dad. But there is nothing I can do now, I'm already half away to France." I said. Ares sat next to me and handed over a glass of water. Shaking my head, I looked out the window.

My dad grunted and mumbled a few colorful words. "Fine. You can stay, but I want you to call me every night, and morning." He said. "Your mother and brother aren't going to be very happy about this shit either."

"I know, just tell them nicely." I sighed out. "Then I'll call you talk to them about what happened and all that crap."

"Nicely my ass." He grunted. "Be careful."

"Always am." I smiled into the phone. It made me happy that I had a caring family back home. It made trips easier because I know what I am going home to. "Love you."

"I love you too."


As we drove through the city, Ares was looking at papers once again. When he was busy trying to piss me off, he was throwing himself into his work—what kind of work he was doing, beats me. Was it restaurant business or mafia business? Looking over at him, his face was relaxed giving nothing away.

His eyes just danced over the papers and wrote side notes. For a moment, I thought about leaning over to have a look. But then again I didn't want him to get mad. What if I saw something I wasn't supposed to see? It was best to keep my nose out of his business. With that in mind, I just watched the scenery pass by.

"Can I visit the Eiffel Tower?" I asked when I was able to see it from the car. I had always wanted to come here to see the tower.

"If we have time." Ares briefly said.

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