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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ricardo whispered in my ear.

Oh, I was more than sure. Today, I was going to put an end to this bullshit, today, I was taking back not only my life but Evan's. Today, Detective Robert was no long going to be using my brother or me in his twisted games. Today, I was going to strike back and tell my dad what is going to happen. After having my breakdown at Ruben's place, I told them I wanted to talk to my dad. That I was going to show him he could not get to me nor Evan anymore.

At first, they didn't want me to come to the prison where my dad is. They said that it would be smart to just leave it to them. I then told them that my dad needs to see that what he did, did not break me—even though it did—So after going back and forth and talking to O'Brian on the Phone. Derek, Ricardo, Fernando, and I made our way to the prison. O'Brian needed Ruben to take care of some things so he was not able to join us.

"Hello, I'm Warden Jacobs. One of my officers said you would like to talk to me."

"Yes, my name is Melody Davis. I'm here to talk about my father, Nick Davis, who is locked up here." I said catching him off guard. I wouldn't blame him, this is the first time I was willing to see him.

He looked at my cousins then back to me. "Okay, if you can follow me into my office we can talk there." The Warden stepped to the side and let us walk in first. He motioned for us to sit down then he followed. "What would you like to talk about?"

Looking down at my hands, I tried to figure out how I was going to tell him. I didn't want to give away what I was actually here for. Because telling the Warden that we plan on threating my father would not go so well. My wording had to be smart and careful.

"I'm sure you are aware that my father's court date is coming up. He has been trying to get out on parole, but my brother and I have been stopping him. I guess you can say..." I said trailing off as I looked up at him. "Basically, I am here to ask you if there is a way I can see my father without him knowing I am here. Everyone has been saying that he has changed but every time we seen him, he looks ready to hurt us."

His eyebrow raised in questioning. "So you what you are saying is, you want me to let you watch your father without him knowing?" Nodding my head, he continued. "I can't just let you wonder the prison to watch him. We have dangerous people housed here. My officers can't babysit you, I need every officer at their post."

"I understand that, but all I am asking, Warden, is if I can see him from the lookout tower. My father has been the cause of my pain all of my life. For so long I have refused to talk, until recently, and I refused to live my life. I need to let go of my past to better my future, after I see him I want to talk to him. So then I can finally be free of him."

The Warden shook his head and sat back in his chair. The wheels were turning in his head as he went over my plea. Giving a heavy sigh he said. "If I allow you to see him, you don't touch anything in the tower and then you go straight into the visitor area."

"Deal. I promise, all I want to see is how he acts when he doesn't know I'm there. Then I want to talk to him to tell him how I feel. It's time he knows what kind of pain he put me and my brother through."

"Okay, if you can follow me. We will set everything up." Nodding we all followed him to put the next part of our plan to action.

Anger, disgust, and fear. Ran through me as I stared down at my father. He was sitting at a table talking to some men. Everyone who surrounded him looked like gang members, and it all made sense on how he got outside help. Derek and the other two were studying everyone in the room with him. They were trying to find a weak spot to get to my father, my job in this plan was to get us in here. Then they were going to hunt.

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