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"This is the last time, Melody," Olivia said rubbing my back.

Shrugging her hand away I turned to look out the window. This was the same thing as all the other times, she would find Evan and me a new foster home only for them to have us for a month or a week.

Depending on the person.

This time, it was only three days.

She gave a sigh when she realized I wasn't going to say a word, in fact. I haven't said a word in twelve years and I had my dad to think for that. There are things in life that a five-year should never see, and one of them is seeing your mom getting killed right in front of you. Then hours after just sitting next to her waiting for her and brother to wake up, but only to find out that she was never going to.

When the cops finally came, I was covered in blood and it traumatized me to the point where I didn't want to talk any more. They tried everything to get me to talk, but nothing comes out. I was scared silent. They sent me to a therapist but it's just a waste because I still don't talk, the doctor said in time I would. But here I was today, dead silent, just like when I was five. It sucked because the whole time this was happening Evan was knocked out cold and woke up in the hospital three weeks later.

Nothing was going to change the fact that I was never going to talk again and I hated to get asked the same questions, you don't talk, like at all? Or not talking is stupid, how do you get what you want? And my favorite one of all time, She is nothing but a mute freak who want's attention.

Like no bitch. I witnessed my mother getting killed. So yes, I'm not going to talk like at all.

Can I talk?

Yes, I can.

Do I want to?

No way in hell.

"Melody, this family is going to be a good fit for you. They live in a small town and they are a close family." She pressed making me glare at the window. If she thinks I'm going to talk then she is wrong, she should know better.

Giving me one last sigh she finally left my room, we were at a foster home until she was going to take us to where we are going to stay. There were about ten other kids here as well, looking out the window I envied the kids running around unaware that this house was full of kids who don't have parents. A knock on the door made me look over at it. Chelsea, a little girl who lived her came running in with a smile.

"Hi Mel, how are you today?" She jumped up sitting on my bed. I gave her a half shrug and took a seat next to her. "Nana said you and Evan are leaving today, is it true?"

Nodding my head her face fell, she too was bounced around a lot. So she knew how it felt to be too told this and then to be sent back here. Or where ever they feel like moving you. Chelsea, Evan and I always ended back here together. She was only seven and she too have seen some shit. I guess that's why we are so close, we understand each other on a personal level. All she really needs is someone to listen to her and I don't mind sitting with her and hearing what she has to say.

Shortly after her, Evan came in and messed up her hair making her giggle, Evan fell on the bed hiding his face with a pillow. "I can't believe they are doing this shit to us again, why can't they just fucking leave us here?" He grunted and then threw the pillow at Chelsea when she stuck her tongue out at him, in which started a pillow war.

We all had our weapons waiting for someone to make a move, I jumped out the way when Evan tried to hit me with his pillow. Chelsea and I looked at each other then back to Evan. I started to silently giggle when she let out a battle cry and ran at him with me in tow. Let's just say we ended up winning the war.

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