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As I sat on the bed, I lightly ran my hand through Daisy's fur. Her head was on my lap giving me comfort, I know I am going to need. Evan took to standing, he refused to sit down right now. Something he often did when he was nervures. He wasn't the type to say he was nervures or anything along those lines. No one has said anything yet, I think we all were trying to find the right place to start.

"I guess I'll start with the merging contract," O'Brian said. "Back when my grandfather, your great grandfather, ran the business, there was a lot of revelry. They were always at each other's throats. Trying to find ways to either one up each other or secrets."

"Family secrets?" Evan cut in. "What kind of secrets?"

"I will get to that in just a moment," O'Brian said. "One day, "Aaron, your great grandfather, found out someone was out to get Gabriel, Ares grandfather. Even though they never got along when it comes to business, they had morals for one another. In result, Aaron saved Gabriel's life. After that, the two looked to dissolve the rivalry between them which resulted in the merging contract."

"What kind of business is Rossi Corporations built around exactly," I asked taking advantage of the pause. "I have a small confession to make. Well more to you Evan, sometime last month I looked up mom's maiden name and found out we were related to you guys. The night we had our first run in, I was going to storm into the building and demand answers, but I changed my mind last minute and had a day with Evan."

Evan placed a hand over his heart in mock hurt. "I want to storm into place and raise hell too, you know."

Smiling I shook my head and said. "But Mike and Dave was so funny."

"Whatever." He said rolling his eyes looking back to O'Brian.

He had a smile one that showed how happy he was, even with the threats of Ares in the air. He seemed to be keeping calm. In a way, it was kind of a good thing. "I see a lot of my sister in you. You carry yourself the way she used to and you are a real spitfire as well. But to answer your question, the Corporation is based off grand hotels. We have them based a crossed the US and the UK. Moretti Corporation is based off gourmet restaurant also based a crossed the US and the UK."

This made sense because the night Ares took me on that drive. Where he said I was his, I was in his restaurant. It was a really great place if you ask me, half club and half restaurant. My eyebrow raised a little bit as the wheels started to turn in my head. Did Ares only open the restaurant here to get closer to me? Eli had said that it was new and that right there seem fishy to me. But then again I could just be looking too much into this, taking a deep breath I looked to Daisy and waited for them to finish telling us what we need to know.

"Okay, so the Hotels and the Restaurants are a front. What are they masking?" Evan said. "I am no proud to admit but I use to live and breathe the underworlds. I did a lot of underground fighting to get anger out. I've seen some shit and almost got sucked into things permanently."

Permanently? I thought. But then remembered what he meant. There was a guy, a certain loan shark, he tried to gain control of Evan. Wanted to sponsor him. As in tell him when to win a fight and when to lose a fight. Evan refused. Evan never borrowed money from the guy, the guy just wanted to own and make money off Evan. The guy was persistent with it and even sunk as low as hiring people to beat Evan up. But Evan got lucky when we got relocated.

"He hasn't tried to get ahold of you anymore has he?" My voice was a little uneasy because I remembered how scary this man looked.

Evan gave me a small shrug and gave an almost helpless look. "The fucker in persistent. But we can talk about this later, let's focus on what's happening right now." I gave a nod then my head snapped to O'Brian and Ruben. Please don't tell me they are loan sharks. I thought.

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