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As I sat on the stool, Evan lightly checked my throat to make sure nothing was wrong. The bruise had gotten dark overnight and the handprint was now visible. My wrist also had rope burn. Looking around the empty kitchen, something told me that I was going to be grilled about what had happened yesterday. Something like this was a big deal and I felt better that I told Evan first. Hopefully, he can talk for me and I can just nod my head.

"It's just bruised. It's going to hurt for a couple days until it heals." Evan said lightly dabbing a warm wet towel over my neck.

Giving a small nod my eyes met his once again and he gave me a playful glare making me smile. Stepping away from me he sat on the stool next to mine. Spinning around on my seat I dropped my head in my hand. It felt like a waiting game. There was no way of getting out of what happened yesterday. I was going to have to tell them what the man said. Well, Evan was going to have to tell them for me. Staring at the island my mind started to replay his words.

"I'll be back for you when it's time to uphold your end of the contract."

"Mel, I-"

"We need to talk kids," Bo said cutting Evan off.

Looking up at Bo I found he was not alone. He had his brothers with him, Bo looked at my neck and he looked a little hurt to see how clearly you can see the hand. He finally met my eyes as he started to talk again.

"Mel, you need to tell us who did this. We can't let this slide, not when you are under our care." He said.

Looking to Evan his eyes met mine and I knew that look all too well. Evan was going to lie. Giving him my best pleading look, I didn't want him to lie and get in trouble. As much as I hate to think this, this place has been the safest we have ever been. It was so safe that I didn't care if I got bullied at school because as long as I came home to this. It didn't matter one bit.

"We don't know who it was," Evan started. "He is looking for our father, which is stupid. It's not that hard to figure out he is still locked up. He thought he could get to him through Mel, but once he found out she was a dead end he left."

Well, that's technically not lying. I thought. At least he didn't say anything about our grandfather and the contract. Looking to Bo I wasn't sure how this was going to play out. Giving a small nod I confirmed what Evan said.

"If you saw this man again, can you-" Cassie said stepping forward.

"You got to be fucking kidding me." All eyes snapped to Catalina as she cut Cassie off. "I told you not to come at her like this. What in the hell is wrong with you guys?"

She shoved the men out the way and walked up to me. She then gently took my hand in hers and sent the boy a death glare and then motion Evan to follow. Leading us out the back door we walked to the picnic table. Once we were sitting I laid my head on Evan's shoulder, today was a weird day. We haven't seen Catalina since they had that little get together other night.

"Where the hell have you been?" Evan voiced my thoughts.

She gave a small nod before talking. "Been busy getting things together for a party we are going to have the compound." The compound? What the hell does that mean? "Bo told me everything when I got in late last night, I told him to let me talk to you because it would be easier than to have all of them watching you."

"Yeah, what a great job he did listening." Evan scuffed. "There is nothing we can do about this, he wants our deadbeat dad. As much as I want to beat this cock sucker's face in for touching Mel. We can't. I'm not putting her in danger's way because we are looking for this guy. The way she described him screams all kinds of fucked up, it is best to drop this and make sure she is safe. Even if that means I need to be glued to her hip for a while."

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