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I started the car. I would die to have a car this nice.

I looked through all of the compartments to find anything that would tell me where he is. The only thing was just a bunch of crap about Jessica. Ugh.

I drove off anyway. I have no idea where I'm going, but I'll search the whole city if I have to. I don't care how much of an ass he is.

The phone in the passenger seat rang again. I answered. "Hello?"

"Jason?" Max's voice asked on the either end.

"What? No! It's Jordan."

"I need to talk to Jason."

"I don't know where he is but I think someone took him and he's hurt." I said as quickly as possible.

"Where are you?"

"Outside of Vegas in his car."

"He let you drive his car? He never lets me drive his car!"

"Max listen! I need you to tell me where he is!"

"I don't know. But I called to warn him about Jessica. She was looking for him earlier."

Wait... Did he just say Jessica?

"I thought Jessica was dead?" I questioned.

"No, she found me and made me tell Jason that so he would stop following her. But it didn't work and now she's dealing with him herself." He sighed. I can tell he's guilty. "I'm sorry, but I don't know where she would've taken him."

"Alright. I need to go." I hung up without saying goodbye.

Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now