Gimmy the Dwarf

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"Alright, just ask the questions." Gimli said, feeling his stomach sink at the thought of the elf and man laughing at him, just as he had done for the two.

Legolas and Aragorn hid their grins as the doctor began questioning the dwarf.

"Your full name, please, master dwarf."

"Gimli son of Gloin." Was the gruff answer.

"Someone you enjoy spending time with."

"Ah, that's easy," The dwarf gave his two companions a nod, "Aragorn and Legolas."

Both ranger and elf inclined their head, lips curling into genuine smiles. "As do we enjoy your company master dwarf." Aragorn said seriously, patting the dwarf on his back.

The doctor took out another ink bottle, as his had somehow ran out.

"An embarrassing moment Gimli?"

"My mother use to call me-- hehe, Gimmy." The dwarf looked deep in thought, and had a soft smile on his face, "I really wouldn't mind it if she still did." He sighed.

Legolas looked thoughtful, then smiled, "It is quite alright Gimli, Aragorn's mother would call her son, Gornie."

At this, Alcop pinched his lips shut, in attempt to not laugh at one of his patients. That would be awkward, and banish any trust bonds that he hoped would develop throughout the course of the session. The psychologist breathed in and out, repeating the action several times to keep himself calm and collected.

All thoughts of being calm and collected left the elf's and dwarf's mind as they both hitched, in vain trying to contain their full fledged laughter. Aragorn glared darkly at the two, and ended up elbowing the elf in the ribs to get him to quieten down, doing the same with the dwarf.

A calming silence hung over the room. Alcop had seen many many weird things in his mortal life. Though never had he seen a friendship bond between different races so strong, as the three sitting before him. One thing was for sure... The three beings were close, and considered themselves, perhaps... family.

"Gimli I won't pester you with any other questions. I know what I want to know, and now we shall begin the session." The three looked on with wide eyes as the doctor kept talking. "I would like one of you to share your view on the tale."

Or in other words, what happened to you all, Legolas thought understandingly.

Aragorn bit at the inside of his cheek. He didn't want to recall the terrible traumatic experience he and the others had had to undergo.

The twins were still avoiding pink ribbons. Thranduil had gone back to Mirkwood, and rumours spoke of the late nights he spent studying literature in the library. Elrond had gone for a more subtle approach, choosing to spend extra time reading, more than that was necessary. As for Sam, Merry and Pippin...they rushed back to the Shire after the experience. Arwen and Glorfindel hadn't spoke to one another for months.

Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn chose to mend themselves, with the help of Middle Earth's psychologist, Doctor Alcop, who was right now staring at the three, expectedly.

Legolas took a deep breath, "It all began three months ago..."

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