it was nice, to have you

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"How long was she in the lake Aragorn?" Alcop asked politely, knowing it was the least he could do for the man right now. 

Aragorn looked possibly manic as he scanned the gloppy stack in front of him with a livid gleam reflecting off the whites in his eyes. The sky outside was pitched black, no stars marring it's coating, nor any moon in sight from where they sat in Alcop's office. A gust of wind blew at them every once in a while, and although it felt freshening and lovely it did very little to calm their bubbling anxiety whilst Aragorn read out his story. 

"Only a few hours, doctor."

"It's Alcop."


Alcop chose to ignore his word choice for the moment and said, "Alright. That is all then Aragorn. I think I've heard enough to conduct a decent report-" 

"Or ten."

"-on how you're doing. Thank you for sharing your version with us."

Aragorn inclined his head in an honorary fashion, as though Legolas and Gimli had been witnesses of a magical spectacle. Which they had been - according to him. They should be in tears, honestly. Ungrateful fools. "You're welcome," he said simply, chin jutting out in a superior way. 

"Ehm, well, Legolas," Alcop stuttered, clearly baffled by the man's egotistic display. 

"Aye," Legolas watched Aragorn with similar light to the doctor. "I would share what I've written, though I'm afraid it will invoke a rather shaky reaction." 

"Why so?"

"It follows the entire journey of ours. Spanning over months and months, of course, and all accounted for in utmost detail and integrity-"

Alcop nodded shortly. "I think I understand," he sighed, realising just how tired he was as he ran a hand across his chin. "I think we should call it a..." he cut himself off. How long had it been?

"Two days."

Ah. Two days. Two days? TWO DAYS?!


Gimli bit back a sigh and disguised it poorly with a gruff cough, indicating he had indeed lost it. Two days and no sleep, no proper meals, no nothing, really. Well except talking deeply and freely about their feelings

"I suppose we should conclude our first session?" the therapist suggested halfheartedly. His frown was back in place and he tapped his knobby hands on his desk, extracting hollow echos that shook the entire wooden contraption. A slither of moonlight fell upon the desk, pure and white and glorious. The four of them stared at it for a while, comfortable to sit like that a little more but knowing they had to call it a day... or two. "I'll have your files ready for our next session. I presume you'd like to come back?"

"Of course, Alcop. This has really helped us. Thank you."

Alcop nodded, a flush rising across his sunken cheeks. "You're welcome Legolas. It really has been my pleasure. I will see to it that the niece books you in for another appointment within the week. I have had her clear out the other bookings so there won't be any chance for overlap."

Aragorn was the first to move. He stood up from the seat he'd sat in for two days and almost fell over as waves of dizziness attacked his weary yet free mind. It was freshening and beautiful. 

Legolas also stood soon followed by Gimli, who in turn busied himself with the messy pile of stuff on the floor. 

"Ah, we'd also like to apologise for the creative mess," Legolas gestured to the pile and one of GImli's boots that had somehow ended up on the far side of the room by the doors, "and for any mess that's bound to return the next time."

Alcop smothered his laugh with a brief shake of his head, a dismissal. "Oh pish posh, it's alright."

For a moment the elf looked slightly confused and concerned though chose to only hum as an answer to that. He swiftly bowed his thanks and slid back his own weapons from the half mounted pile that was quickly getting smaller. Gimli assembled his armour in place with one arm jutting skyward and the other holding down his heavy chest plate. Alcop wondered why he'd brought so much armour to a therapy session, though disregarded the idea that it was silly. It was a little odd but not silly. The dwarf had made a habit of it, he noticed, through all the war and running and hiding it was plausible he'd acquired the habit during the adventure. 

"Well gentle folk, this has been exciting for me to have gotten the chance to speak with you three. I do hope we'll meet again soon. It was nice, to have you."

"It was our pleasure. Thank you Alcop."

And with that said they left the room with burdened eyes, yet with free minds. 


a Middle Earth therapy sessionWhere stories live. Discover now