~.~ To Face Your Fears ~.~

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"I don't feel so good," Aragorn mumbled. 

Gimli and Legolas looked on nervously, secretly agreeing with the man. The elf had calmed down from his earlier outburst. The tips of his cornered ears still bloomed red as a reminder of him loosing it. Doctor Alcop's office had then surprisingly been cleaned out by the niece. It had been such a shock to the lot of them. That had taken a few hours at most. No furniture had been damaged, which had been a huge blessing. 

The three had then been re-seated in their former spots, as Alcop got the niece to cancel all appointments for the following week. This particular case would definitely take more than a few days to 'help'. 

"I don't like the idea of this..." Aragorn continued, chewing at his bottom lip, to the point that it began to bruise. 

Alcop looked up from his scattered notes. In truth, he was worried too. The elf's behaviour had only proved his suspicion. He would have to delve into the three beings' minds. He would have to guide them in facing their fears, and hopefully one day conquering them. 

"Trust me. If there were any other way, I'd take it." The Doctor spoke softly, giving the man a reassuring smile. "Now, remember, you will all be fine. Just take deep breaths and close your eyes." 

"This may take a few more times to master. But we will get it in the end. Stay strong." Alcop stated, determined to help the three. He had grown quite amused with their ways, and wanted to get to know the three, and help them from the aftermath of what had been a traumatic ordeal. 

The three did as instructed, taking in large amounts of air, keeping eyes shut tightly. They all entered the very depths of their minds. It was an endless void that played out; no light in sight. 

"Relax." Alcop said. Taking a deep breath he stated, "It will begin now." 

Gimli shuddered, clutching at his chain mail. Aragorn shut his eyes tighter, while Legolas whispered a barely audible prayer in elvish. 

Taking another breath, Alcop began to enter their minds, not physically of course.

"Think of your families, of your closest friends, your closest siblings. People whom you love and adore. People whom you can take comfort in." 

Aragorn relaxed a little, still breathing in and out in deep heaps. Besides him, Legolas seemed to be emotionless, only taking in soft calming breaths, eyelids shut peacefully. One could say he was sleeping if they weren't familiar of elven ways. Gimli seemed aggravated, fists opening and closing. But he made no other sound, only his heavy breathing hissed out audibly. 

"Now think of what you have faced in the last year. War, loss. Pain, death. Whether it was an unknown stranger, or a loved one, you still witnessed and endure. It hurt, and still does. Do you remember the inner anxiety and turmoil you felt at that moment, or series of moments?"

Thoughts of Arwen somehow entered Aragorn's mind, and he fought to shut them out. It had been painful to leave her behind when joining the fellowship. His mother's death, and his destiny as Gondor's King had been hard to face. He shuddered at how much he had faced in his teen years, and the pain he had endured and went through after his dear mother's death. 

Gimli worked to push back memories of his parent's death. It had been so hard for him. When his father had joined Thorin's company, he and his mother had lived all by themselves, with no one to fend for them. The painful memories lashed out in his mind, as he fought them back with the absence of his axe.

Similar thoughts plagued Legolas's mind, as the elf scrunched his eyes tight, fighting for the horrid memories of his homeland and the death of many loved ones, from resurfacing into actual concious thoughts. He shamefully pushed at them, ridding of them the second they entered the void. 

"Don't fight it. Face it." Came Alcop's stern yet calming voice. The Doctor took note of the elf, man and dwarf's reactions and struggling features. The first time was always the most painfully plain uncomfortable. There was no other way to describe it, he though grimly. Just plain uncomfortable.

They all fought at first. Clashing their memories back into void. Attempting to rid of the screams full of pain and anguish. 

"Face it. You can do it." Alcop spoke up strongly, voice reaching out to the three struggling beings. Their inner turmoil showed through their scrunched disturbed facial features and tense gestures. 

Slowly, however, they began cherishing moments that reminded them of happier times with loved ones. The awful tormenting memories faded into subtle wisps of nothingness, compared to all the hope and light that now filled their conscious minds. The darkened void showed a small bloom of light, that shone out with cheer and peace. 

"Good, you're doing so well." Alcop smiled, though it faded as he reluctantly started on the next part of the unpromising coarse. This was the part he was most hesitant to do. This was the twist. 

"I want you to now picture one such moment... where you nearly gave up."

Legolas almost snapped open his eyes. 

Small shudders ran up and down Aragorn's stiff form as he bit at his lip. 

Gimli looked disturbed, lips pressed together, eyes closed shut in disdain. 

"Why had you nearly given away all hope? What had happened?" Alcop pressed subtly, knowing soon he would need to stop. Though he pressed a little further. "Did you regret feeling that way? How did you overcome the heavy penetrating feeling, were you able to do so alone? Or did you seek help? Did it hurt?"

The three beings shook uncontrollably, all reliving vivid memories, all feeling the sensation of giving hope up pounding at them. Oh Valar, did it hurt. They could feel the memory seep treacherously into their concious void of light, ripping and tearing it with absolute strength. It felt like tearing seeping flesh open with bare, raw fingernails. 

Alcop breathed in tentatively, he would have to tread softly now. He would need to speak delicately. "You have had someone." He started, unsure, but continued nonetheless. "Someone who believed in you." He spoke in a silent whisper. "You are fine. You are whole. You overcame that darkness, you will overcome this ridiculous evil."

At that moment Legolas snapped open his eyes. They were brimmed with unshed tears. 

Aragorn let out a low sob, working on calming his haphazard breathing.

Gimli groaned, shaking as he wailed out aloud. 

The three had faced their true fears, and now they were ready to face this manipulative one. 

Alcop huffed out in exhaustion and content. He would let them rest a bit, then they would start again. 

The three were strong willed, and would be able to overcome their unseen fears; that Alcop was sure of. 

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