Gimli's Tale

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Clearing out his gruff throat, Gimli son of Groin-- uh, Gloin, began his version of the Tale. 

"Well, uh, once upon-"

"Oh boy."

"-a time there lived a wee lad names Gimli. He loved roaming-"

Legolas looks zoned out and Aragorn begins picking at his nails. Alcop watches on nervously. 

"-the underground tunnels in hopes he would one day be allowed to chisel with his father and uncles. It was his wee little dream-"

"Wee little dream?" Aragorn repeats, looking the exact epitome of discomfort. "What are you saying?"

"I think he is implying his dreams are small, minute, and therefore not important and completely insignificant to the actual plot line," Legolas says with a twinkle in his eyes. 

Aragorn grins widely. "Yes, I do believe-"

"Will you both shut up!"

The room goes silent and Alcop finds it all too amusing. "Go on then, what happens next?" he eggs Gimli on. 

Gimli looks on the verge of an outburst but hold it all in. Taking in a few shaky breaths he resumes reading off of his clump of papers. 

"Right, so uh, it was his wee little dream--" Gimli eyes both Aragorn and Legolas, as though daring either one to comment on it, "to chisel with his elders." 

Clearing his throat again, he speaks louder than usual, probably for dramatic effect. "One fine rainy day-"

Aragorn interrupts again, "Wait up. Rainy day? And that you are calling fine?"

"I think rainy can be fine. Go on Gimli, you are doing so weeell," Legolas stretches his 'well' getting a sour look from Gimli when he does so. 

"Uh.. so, uh, one fine rainy day the young dwarf Gimli was walking the underground tunnels and as he was about to retreat he heard a BIG BAD noise!" Gimli screams the last part, for dramatic effect. It doesn't work. Legolas looks appalled and Aragorn looks annoyed. Alcop merely nods for him to continue. 

"After hearing the noise he decides to check up on what it could be. Gimli see's a girl. This girls is the exact replica of a goblin mutant (Legolas scoffs at that, muttering under his breath 'line stealer'). The brave, heroic, majestic Gimli uses his chisel and drives it through the dirty female's face. All the other dwarves marvel at Gimli the Brave's actions and promote his position in the mines. Gimli lives happily ever after. The end."

The last few specks of silence dissipate and Aragorn barks out a laugh, followed by Legolas. The two clutch their chests, drowning in amusement. Alcop has a fist in his mouth, literally, an attempt at keeping in his mirth. He repeats a constant mantra in his mind, 'do not laugh, do not laugh'. 

"It was better than the wrench's," Gimli huffs, clearly distraught over their reactions. 

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