**Much Song**

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A soft melody played out as Alcop hummed aloud, his voice calm and clear.
The office atmosphere drifted to an early sunset light. The room bloomed deep golds and oranges light fading as the day came to an end.

The elf, man and dwarf sat thinking lightly on their cushioned, oak chairs and in Gimli's case, a ratty couch.

"With deep breaths we faced it,

Our hearts aching.

And though it had passed by swiftly,

We had felt it rip and tear."

The short melodic poem brought Aragorn to sniff heavily. The man cleared his throat softly, running sweaty hands through thick dark locks. "With deep breaths we faced it, our hearts aching." he began singing.

Legolas perched up, humming in tune. He sang the next line, "And though it had passed by swiftly," he stopped there, glancing at Gimli.

"We had felt it rip and tear.." the dwarf finished off, staring into his companion's azure eyes.

Silence was cut short as Alcop spoke, "It is not complete. You know what to do." He gave the three a meaningful smile accompanied by a rather humourous wink.

Gimli sang first, "We faced it! We faced it, as it broke through darkened walls!"

"And we conquered the plague, as one would, and should! And drove it right away!" Aragorn shout out aloud, as Legolas sung out a lull to soothe the song.

"The darkness fade to blossoms in bloom, as all good pushed back hell!"

The improvised lyrics worked for their simple beat and rhythm. The three found themselves enjoying the song that had started out only a poem.

By the coming of ending, they were all shouting out courageous and ridiculous lyrics, laughing and chuckling as they spoke the childish words.

"And then it was shut out by Sauron the fool, who got struck upside the bum!"

They all burst into conscious laughter. It had been the first time is such a long time... since they had felt so relived as though a large burden had been removed off their chests.

Alcop wiped at mirthful tears, fighting another round of bubbling laughter. "That's a good one, Gimli!"

"Why thank you doctor! Dwarves are naturals at improvising. Unlike some certain pointy eared trees!"

Legolas playfully glared at the dwarf, a small smile playing on his lips.

Aragorn laughed out, "I see you two are at it once more."

"I am glad for that." The man then continued to whisper, watching his two friends banter back and forth.

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