__To THINK OF Your Fears__

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Sharp weak breaths echoed lowly around Alcop's small office. Alcop himself felt sorry for the patients as they recovered from the straining mind activity. It had been all too sudden for the three, for they had started the session off in a jokey bright atmosphere, and now... now it was all too serious, and raw emotion shone out prominently. The office seemed more compressed and comfy as all four thought.

The atmosphere grew on their vulnerable situation, causing Alcop's next words to die on his tongue. It was all too raw and edgy, Alcop would have to speak softly and subtly. He could not risk another outburst, it could leave a lot of emotional damage on the patient's mind, whether they knew it or not. 

Aragorn had one palm pressed over his trembling lips, muffling ragged sobs that escaped. He could feel the pain, it was all too real and threatening. The man's other arm wrapped around the arm of the chair, one leg raised, folded under his seated form. He looked full of anguish. Yet Alcop knew it would be like this. 

Gimli took up only a fraction of the couch, curling into himself, very unlike any dwarf. His pride seemed to have vanished, just like his lighthearted attitude and quirky banter. He shuddered and stared at a few frames that hung around Alcop's office. 

Legolas had almost immediately used the pad of his thumb to wipe hastily at his teary eyes.The auburn light that shone through cute hobbit sized windows fell directly upon the shaggy carpet and all three beings' features. Legolas' lips pressed together, and it looked as though he was trying to conceal his true inner turmoil. 

The three sat, stared and thought. And Alcop made no move to stop them, in fact he sat firmly in place, wanting to keep the sweet yet painful mood. 

The aftermath always ended this way, yet it seemed more serene and peaceful this time... something had happened... something had definitely happened to each one of them. They were obviously seasoned warriors, but why were they so accustomed to death, that they had forcefully pushed aside so much pain and death to the very void they had for the first time visited. 

Most his patients came for this, yet this time it had been so much stronger for them all. These three had faced far more war than Alcop could fathom, and that's was worried him most. It wasn't all about the book, but about the pain they had pushed aside and hadn't tried to understand and accept. 

Alcop watched them cautiously. They had faced far more than any of his other patients. There was most definitely something more. 

The deep auburn glow that surrounded the room added to the warmth all three felt, and soon the shuddering ceased, and the tears ran out. 

They had thought, and had endured. 

The first and final words were spoken by Legolas in a soft whisper, barely disturbing the peaceful evening. "Thank you." 

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