Chapter 2

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{Mitch's POV}

Just got off Skype talking to Jerome. He's the best friend you could ever have. I just hope he's ok. I go to grab some food and all that's in it is fries and booze. Damn. I need food.

I pick up my phone and dial the pizza place. I get my favorite and wait for it to be delivered. I soon fell asleep on the couch dreaming about the Hunger Deans then the doorbell rang.

"PIZZA FOR DAYS!!!" I jump up and rush to the door and open it, pay for my pizza, and rush back to the living room to eat it. Its mine and Jeromes favorite pizza. Sasuage, Bacon and Cheese. Extra Cheesy. As I eat it I cant help but to think how Jerome is doing. I stared off into space with my forth peice of pizza in my mouth and soon doze off dreaming about Jerome and his fluffy personality and self.

{Jerome's POV}

Its morning....yay, im not a morning person. I drag myself out of bed and notice that the picture was on the ground

"This needs a better place to stay"

So I pick it up and take the picture of Jasmine and I out and replace it with Mitch and I.

"Now to dispose of all of these bad memories..."

I take the photo album and take out evrey single picture that has Jasmine in it and take them all out back where I ,on accident, left Coco out.

"Coco? Come here Coco" She runs out from the shed, jumped on me and started licking me "Ha, im sorry for forgetting about you. I love you too Coco! Come on staph it!" she stopped and got off me and went in through the open door.

I go over to my shed and take out my blow torch. Yes im a bit of a pyro. I light the memories on fire and throw them into the burning barrel and watch them slowly burn away from sight and memory.

As im watching the fire slowly fade away I get a phone call. I dig my phone out of my pocket, its Mitch. I answer

M: "Hey Biggums"

J: "Hey dood"

M: "What is my main man up to this fine morning?"

J: "Burning shit"

M: "Sounds like my little pyro is having some kind of fun"

I blush

J: U-uhh y-yeah I guess

M: Anyways dood, thought I'd remind you that im coming down today so pick me up at the airport in a few hours

I forgot he was coming back down

J: "Sure no think buddy"

M: "Hopkey, see you in a couple hours biggums"

J: "Yeah see you then"

//Call Ended//

I complelty forgot Mitch was coming down. I got a couple hours. I need to clean up and hide stuff.

I run inside and knock things over outside on accident while doing so. I run in and hide my photoalbum in the nightstand. Along with my other picture. And exit the Merome tag on Tumblr, and hide my blades of despair in the medicine cabinet.

After evreything is hidden and cleaned it was about time for Mitch's flight to land. So I grab my phone and keys and set out for the airport for my Mr. Forever Together <3

((A/N: Litterly falling asleep here but here you go :3 Ending was a bit cheesy though....whatever cant blame me Im tired

Bat signing off~))

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