Chapter 8

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[ Sry my Miners I've had writers block and I've been traveling a bit so heres Chapter 8 :) ]

{Mitch's POV}

"Only sorta Biggums, only sorta." Jerome said

I keep trudging along "I guess your right...our childhood had its ups and downs, didnt it?"

"Sure did, except you have a perfect life back up in Montreal"

"Thats not true Biggums....."

"What do you mean?"

I say nothing so he stops in front of me and looks me in the eyes

"What do you mean Biggums?"

I looked down at my feet, one cripled and the other fine.

"You know exactly what I mean....." I swallow hard and fight back the tears. "I didnt have the perfect life, just mear oppisite"


my tears begin to fall and his soft hands wipe then away and cradle my head in them. He rubs me cheeks with his thumbs, trying to calm me down. 

"Mitch, whats wrong....what happened, tell me"

"I-I can't......I-It hurts to r-remember...." I managed to get out and I began to just bawl.

"Shhhh, dont have to tell me. Its ok...just know that Im here now and that I love you...." he kissed my cheek and wiped away my tears

"Come on, were almost there"


And we trudge on again

{Time Skip}
{Jerome's POV}

Were walking in silence. The only noise we hear are the children playing and the crunching of snow beneath our feet.

"Were here Biggums" Its a little coffe shop called Crafted. Normally its a 7 minute walk down the road but with how slow were going it took us about 13 minutes. But I don't really care, I got to walk this crisp morning with Mitch. And thats all that matters.

"I remember this place"

"Yeah....this is where we met. Even before we met at school, it was here."

I open the door for him and I go in after him.

"Right there" I pointed to the booth in the far corner of the shop hidden by some flora. (flowers and such)

"Just the way we left it, Right Biggums" he looks over at me.

"Yeah, it is"

~Flashback, again :D~

Im 4 years old sitting in the corner of Crafted eating a cookie Ms. Spice gave me. My mother was in the bathroom so im sitting here by myself when a boy my age walks up to me

He points at my cookie

"Cookie" he said

"Yeah, cookie" I reply breaking it in half "Want some?"

"uhhh, sure"

"Name's Jerome, yours?" I say handing him half of my cookie

"Mitch" he smiled and sat down next to me

"I think we'll be great friends"

"Me to Biggums"


"Yeah, its a nickname, like it?" he blushed

"Yeah, I love it" I blushed back

~Flashback End~

"I wonder if Ms. Spice is still around" I question

"Yeah dawg, she was the best, what do you say we go sit back down over there and eat pumpkin spice cookies for good old times sake"

"That'd be nice G"

We go over to the seat and on the wall it has a sign Benja Bacca Hideout! Only Crafters Are Allowed! Crafters are the store workers and anyone else that we made friends with. But it was mainly Ms. Spice, Mitch and Me.

"She kept the sign up"

"That she did Biggums"

We sit down and we instantly feel like kids again. Its like one of those short flashback things in the movies. Switching back to us as kids sitting here than intantly back to reality.

A waitress comes over "Exuse me but this table is- oh my gawd wait right here!" she said and dashed into the back of the shop. A few minutes later she came back with a women with Ginger hair, freckles, green eyes. She had an apron that said Crafted Cupcakes and Deserts on it and she was in her mid 30's

I read the name tag
Mrs. Sharlet Spice

Mitch and I stared at her in awe. As soon as she saw us she gasped.

"Boys! Oh how long has it been!"

"M-Mrs Spice!?!" Mitch and I said simotaniously

She smiled and hugged us. We sat there for a second but snapped out of it and hugged her back.

"Its been 15 years today since you boys met each other right there hasnt it"

"Yeah, it has" Mitch said pulling his hand underneath the table

"And I havent seen you in 10"

"Yup...its been a while" I said grabbing Mitch's hand smiling at him

"So im guessing its the famous PK Spice Cookies, aka Pumpkin Spice Cookies"

"Sure is, along with some hot cocoa!"

"Sure thing boys! Its on the house" she said and disappeared behind the counters.

"Nice seeing her again huh Mitch"

"Sure is Biggums" he scooted over to me and kissed my cheek.

I blush and pull him into a hug, quickly turning into us snuggling with each other

"I love this place and all of its memories"

"So do I Mitch" I say and kiss his forehead.

Mrs. Spice comes back and sees the two of us and makes an Aww sound.

we blush and part as she said "I always knew you two would get together. Its adorable and meant to be. Heres your cookies and milk. Enjoy you love birds" and she troted off.

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