Chapter 9

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[Mitch's POV]

I sit next to Jerome eating our cookies blushing at one another. We finish them and say goodbye to Mrs. Spice. And start the trek home.

I forgot to grab my jacket so im only in my light weighted hoodie.

"You ok Biggums, you seem cold" he asks

"No, im f-fine"

"No you aren't. Here" he takes of his jacket and wraps it around me.  I smile and we slowly walk on.

~Time Skip~

Were back home and Jerome's making hot chocolate-not like we just had some, because it was not only cold out but starting to snow. Cocoa sleeping in front of the fire place and I soon to drift off to sleep myself


Im standing in the pitch black darkness. Then my surroundings start to appear.

Im in....Jerome's house? I walk around. I dont have a broken leg anymore. I see a picture above the fireplace. Its a picture of Jerome and a Blue haired chick. Wait is that Jasmine? I forgot she was a natural blue (IT CAN BE WHAT IT WANTS) And then theres a little girl. Short blue curly hair, a bow in it that looks like a two sided axe. Black boots, gray shorts, and a white shirt.

Wait, this cant be what I think it is. I go to grab it but I cant. I run into the kitchen and see Jerome making Hot Chocolate. I run up to him and try to shake his shoulders but I pass right through.


I go upstairs into his, ours, their bedroom. I see pictures on a high shelf. Dusty and old. I can make out Jerome and......myself. I go to the next one. Jerome and I in the hospital. The next one, a picture of Jerome standing over a casket. The last one. A grave with flowers an axe and sword.

This-This can't be

I run out of the room and back into where Jerome was. He was in the living room with Jasmine and their kid. It must have been Christmas, how could I have not noticed that.  She's opening presents and the duo, arms wraped around each other watching her.

I sit down in front of the little girl and she actually looks up at me. Not like a glance but full on looks into my eyes. Even though I wasn't there and they couldn't see me, she could

"Betty, what are you looking at?"

"Nothing mommy" she says and returns to playing but occasionally she glances up at me.

Betty.....Betty, how come she could see me but they couldn't. Why was I thrown to the side. What happened to me that caused me to die. To cause this.

I look over at Jasmine and Jerome. I start to cry. He was happy. She was happy. They were all a happy faimly. But I wasnt apart of it. I wasn't there to tell him I loved him. I never was.

Im just a forgotten soul among the many others.

I stood up and went away, I couldn't get out so I just went upstairs and feel asleep in the open guest bedroom.

And was awaken by someone shaking me. And going

"Mitch? Mitch!? Mitch wake up!"

~Dream End~   


I wake up. My face wet with tears. Jerome is standing over me with a worried look on his face and hugs me. I hug back

"I came in here and you were crying while you were asleep, what happened?"

"I-I was d-dead....a-and you, had a f-faimly with J-Jasmine, and brushed m-me off like n-nothing. Y-You never loved me...."  I shuddered still crying.

He sits down and puts me in front of him and rubs my arms and wipes of my tears with his thumb. Calming me like it always does.

I scoot twords him and sit in his lap facing him. I hug him not wanting to let go. He rubs my back shushing me and started singing me something.

"Hush now my baby
Hush now my love
The angels are watching
From heaven above
They know that I love you
They know that it´s true
I´ll stay here beside you
Whatever you do
When I wake beside you
I feel like I shine
I wish you forever
And ever be mine
A new day tomorrow
When you open your eyes
You let in the sunshine
And all darkness dies"

I soon found myself asleep again.

[Jerome's POV]

Mitch had a had dream that I didnt love him and he was dead and I moved on really quick. But thats not at all true. I got him to fall asleep again. He's, hopfully, sleeping soundly in my lap as I hum the lullaby over and over again while I run my fingers through his hair.

I will love him forever and always. Thick and thin. Good and Bad. I will love Mitchell Hughes  till the day I die, no matter what.

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