Chapter 2

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After our 3 hour wait in line, we were finally able to see him. Me and Maddie had said that we would run in like maniacs screaming our heads off and then she would tackle him and. I don't even know. We're pretty darn weird if you ask me.

"Oh Hello Motts, what's up?" Trevor's security guard asked. We knew Eachother for a while so it was nice for him to be the one to let us scream. "Surprising trevs" Maddie jumped in front of me and added our plan. He would go along with it and he would pretend to take us away until Trevor said something. Since it was in a private room, no one else would know. So it's all good.

"3,2,1" he counted down as he opened the door. "AHHHHH OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG LOOKLOOKLOOK I CAN'T BELIEVE IT OMG IT'S TREVOR!!!!!!" Maddie screamed. I started screaming along with her as we began to 'cry' then Tyler, his security guard, runs in. "Oops. Sorry about that Trevor. I'll get them out." We 'pulled' us out and we screamed and pushed him until Trevor came running over. "No, no, no it's okay I'd love to meet them." He smiled as me and Maddie stopped crying and started laughing. Soon enough Tyler joined in. "Wh-wh-what's so funny?" he asked so confused. I stood up, took off my sunglasses, and look him right in the eyes trying not to laugh. "OH MY GOD AVERY!?!?!?!?!" I nodded before running in to his arms.

We haven't seen each other since like 2 years ago so it was amazing. As we pulled away from the hug we both a tears in our eyes. He took his thumbs and pushed the tears out of my eyes as I did the same. We were laughing at the same time. "Um, hellloooo! Avery's not the only part of this family!" Maddie said throwing her hands on her hips. We laughed as Trevor picked her up and put her on his hips. "How could I forget about you little miss sassy. I think your even worse than Ricky!" we laughed as we walked farther into the room.

We talked for a while and my mom came in halfway through talking with his mom. He was already planning everything we were going to do for the next 60 days. It was so nice to be able to sit down and talk to him again like he was just a normal little kid again.

"I still can't believe you guys actually came and are staying here for two months!" he said grabbing his hair. "Well believe it little boy." Maddie said throwing her hands on her hips. Once again. Drama queen much? "Well technically, your the little one. Soo?" She slapped him and his other security guard came in. I didn't quite catch this ones name though. "Um, Mr.Moran, your show starts in 15 minutes. You have to get ready at some point!" he said staring down at his watch. He rolled his eyes and started to walk over to the guard. "You guys seeing the show!?" we nodded and he got super excited as he walked out.


As we walked to go to our seats, there were 2 girls about Trevor's age behind me who were flipping out. My mom sat with Trevor's mom a few seats over, so it was just me and Maddie. Even though we were in the front row, Maddie had to kneel on the chair so she could see. Once Trevor came out, the 2 girls behind me lost it. He sang a few songs, the went off stage for like 10 minutes.

I turned around to the girls who were almost in tears. "You guys big fans?" I asked with a laugh. One of them looked over at me and wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. "How are you not crying at his perfectness?" I laughed and fully faced them. "Well you see, I grew up with him and his 'perfectness' were cousins" the other girl stopped crying and looked at me. "Oh my god I hate you!" she said playfully hitting my arm. Trevor's announcer came back on so before Trevor started to sing I turned to the girls. "Here, before you leave, lets trade numbers and maybe we could all chill sometime?" their faces lit up and the nodded their heads about 100 times. I smiled and turned back to the show.

After the show, me and the girls, whose a names are Jenna and Carley, gave me their numbers and we said our goodbyes. Me and Maddie walked back over to Trevor and his mom and our mom, and we decided to go out to Starbucks.

It was only 2 blocks away so we decided to walk. Even though Trevor got trampled by fans every 3 minutes. When we got there, we all a Cotten candy frap. Basic. I know. We all sat down at a booth and two girls came running over. But not any two girls. It was Jenna and Carley! "Hey Avery! HI TREVOR!!!" Me and Trevor got up to hug them and I took a picture of them and forwarded it. When I sat back down, Trevor and everyone gave me a look. "WHat?" I laughed. "How on earth do they know your name?" Trevor asked me. "They sat behind me at the concert. And ya."

Before the conversation could continue, I was getting a call from Jenna. "Excuse me" I walked outside and answered the phone.

A. Hello?

J. Stay away from him

A. Huh? what do you mean?

J. You know exactly what I mean. He's mine, and I don't want his pretty little cousin to take that chance away from me.

A. Well he will sure wanna hang around me more than he'll wanna hang around you so you can back off.

J. Whatever. Just. Be careful.

And with that she hung up. When I sat back down, everyone saw the look I had on my face but pushed it aside. As we started to walk away, it was starting to get dark, so we called a cab to take us back yo the hotel.

"Okay Avery, something's up. What did that person say on the phone." He was never this concerned. Why did I have to over react? It wasn't even that serious. "It was honestly nothing. That girl that we saw before? she just told me to stay away from you or else. I over reacted." I laughed and he still looked concerned. "Well, tomorrows our first day out of 60. Lets get ready!" he smiled and we went into our rooms.


Well I hate long a/n so this is gonna be short. But Im sorry! again all the good stuff will be coming in next chapter along with o2l well love you! Muah

-Em Xx

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