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"I'm sorry, Rhiannon!" Sylvia apologised, her hair in a mess and her lips swollen.


"I thought you were going to be out with Barclay. I didn't' know you would be back so soon." She admitted.

"Sylvia, it's okay." I assured her. "I'm not mad. But I'm sure you can understand that walking in on you and Julian having sex wasn't the highlight of my day."

She giggled. "I know. But he is so darn amazing. I mean how does he ev—"

"Please." I held my hands up, begging her to spare me the details. "I really don't want to hear anymore.

"Alrighty, sugar. If you insist. So what've you been doing all day?"

"Barclay and I just went for a walk and then we went rock climbing. I also met his friends, Ben and Kingsley who are exactly like Barclay by the way! They're extremely flirty."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Why would I enjoy Ben and Kingsley flirting with me?"

"No, not that. I've encountered Kingsley before when he asked me if we could make out in the canoe shed. Can you believe the cheek on that boy? I meant, did you enjoy your day with Barclay?"

"It was...great." I twiddled with my thumbs nervously.

"Just great? You don't sound very convinced."

"I don't know, Vee. Today we went as strictly friends so it wasn't like it was a date or anything but my heart wouldn't stop beating when I was with him."

"Do you think you're in love with him or what?"

"Love? What, no!" I know I'm not in love with him, we literally met a week ago.

"Okay, so you like him?"


"I don't know." I admitted. I took a deeb breath and the scent of the apple and cinnamon candles that Sylvia usually lighted invaded my nose. "I mean, he's good looking though I never say that to his face because his ego would explode, he's funny—when I don't want to laugh at his jokes I find myself doing so anyways, he's a charmer too. But I know it's not wise for me pursue any sort of relationship. I don't really know anything about him and we're only here for a month."

"Rhiannon, if there's one thing I've learnt, it is to stop being scared of taking risks and living life. You came to this camp to have some dang fun. If you don't, then coming to Camp Cali would have been as useless as tits on a bull. Live a little. If you think you like the boy, then go for it. The fact that we only have a month here means that you shouldn't wait. Look at me and Julian, we have already had sex. My ex-boyfriend Johnnie and I didn't until we dated for 6 months."

"Are you trying to tell me that I should hook up with Barclay?" I chuckled. That definitely wasn't going to happen. I wasn't one who was up for one night stands or meaningless sex.

"No, silly. Unless you want to, that is." She laughed. "I'm trying to tell you to not hold back from the relationship you and Barclay might have. Plus, dating long distance is always an option. Why are you nervous? Would he be your first boyfriend? Wait, are you a virgin?"

"Well my first serious one and yes. And I'm not ashamed of it either."

"You shouldn't be. I never would have guessed though."

"What do you mean?"

"You just don't seem like the virgin type..."

"What exactly is a 'virgin type'?"

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