Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Elizabeth searched the dark, empty house, finding to evidence to help her with the murder case.

"Remind me... Why was I called out on the field when I had office work?" She asks Detective Johnson. Her best friend, Detective Lilly Johnson, she had violet hair that was wavy and lay down her shoulders, her red lips shining bright. She wore her black pants, black boots and a white button up blouse and her black blazer. She really was pretty.

"Detective Saunders was off sick with the flu. Winters drawing in baby." Lily laughed, looking around the house with Elizabeth.

"The flu? He's off because of the flu? Man flu more like! What a p*ssy!" Elizabeth groaned causing Lilly to giggle slightly.

"I feel sorry for the next man that's dates you!" Lilly jokes, but as soon as she sees Elizabeth's cheeks flare a crimson red, she knew she was dating.

"Who's the lucky guy?" She asks, giving a smirk.

"His name is Damon. He's my age and was abused... He's living at my house and we kind of got together! He's perfect in every way!" Elizabeth explained lovingly, hugging herself, giving her gooey eyes, both bursting out into fits of laughter.

"Okay, okay, I'm happy for you!" Lilly finalised, smiling brightly at her.

"Thanks!" Elizabeth said greatfully.


Hours of checking the whole house from top to bottom, nothing was discovered. A couple hours at the office went by, filling reports and researching the victims for any connections of the victims... But nothing arose from the darkness of this murder mystery.

She finally made it back home, hanging up her jacket she went straight to the living room, sitting on Damons lap and snuggling into his chest with a content sigh.

"Hey gorgeous... What's up?" Damon asked, wrapping his arms around her protectively, kissing her head.

"Had to search a house today in a skirt and high heels. We found no connections and there is no link between any of the killers victims, I'm sick of this job!" Elizabeth curls into a ball on his lap comfortably.

"Awww baby, don't be like that! You'll be fine. Maybe the killer had his reasons, just the police didn't know?" Damon suggests with a small shrug of his shoulders.

Elizabeth shrugged a little.

"I'm starting to get sick of looking at the same details over and over again. My boss is such a d*ck! He can suck my imaginary d*ck if he doesn't shut up!" She laughs, causing Damon to laugh also.

Damon winced slightly.

Elizabeth gave him a look of confusion and looked up at him.

"What's up?" She asked, her eyes filled with pure worry and concern.

Damon pointed to his foot.

"I fell down the stairs after going to the the bathroom. Fell on my ankle funny. I think it's sprained." He says with a shrug, making it seem as he wasn't even bothered.

Elizabeth nodded and kissed his head.

"Awww poor baba!" She teased, pinching his cheek slightly as though he was a child.

"I'll bandage it up for you." She said, running off and retreiving a bandage.

She slowly and gently, wrapped his foot in the bandage.

"Ow!" Damon yelped in pain. His ankle was bruised and swollen, but the bandage would help.

"There done!" Elizabeth said proudly, sitting beside him, leaning her head on his shoulder and wrapping her delicate arms around his waist.

"Thank you beautiful!" Damon thanked her appreciatively. Kissing her head but she soon moved to kiss his soft lips.

Her lips capturing his into a loving and heated kiss. She slowly climbed onto his lap, her legs at either side of his and her hands sliding around his neck as they kissed.

Damon trailed his hand down his waist and to her ass, squeezing slightly and causing a small gasp to escape her lips.

He seized this moment and took the chance, slipping his tongue into her mouth and massaging hers, fighting for dominance.

She soon gave up on fighting to maintain dominance, and finally granted him it, his tongue over powering hers with heated and firey passion.

When they finally broke off for air, Elizabeth leaned her forehead on his with a bright smile.

"You have seriously... Just made my day." She whispers to him softly.

Damon chuckled a little.

"And you made mine, just by being here you make it better but that... Made my day the best day ever!" He kissed her lips softly one last time before picking her up and laying her down, laying her head on his lap as he smiled down at her.

"Get some sleep baby. I love you." Damon whispers, stroking her hair soothingly.

"Thank you. I love you too." She whispered back, snuggling close and slowly closing her eyes as she began to fall asleep, dreaming of Damon and Herself on holiday in the most romantic city in the world... Paris.


"You're so funny aren't you?" Elizabeth said sarcastically, hitting his arm playfully.

"Very my dear! Now what would you think of heading back to the apartment?" Damon asks, arching his eyebrows up as to hint at something. She knew what it was, it was to make love to her again.

"Fine! But this time... I'm in control!" She laughs, hugging onto his arm as they make their way to the elevator to get down from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

It was dark, the twinkling lights of Paris illuminating the night sky under the moons radiant glow. They walk back to their hotel room, not far from the tower.

Walking up to their room, only seconds after closing the door, Elizabeth pinned Damon to the wall, kissing his viciously, like her whole life depended on it. Her hands trailing into his hair and gripping it tightly in her fists.

Damons hands on her waist firmly as he pushed her back until she was onto the bed, laying under him. He pulled away with a smile, examining her beautiful face.

Her beautiful brown eyes staring up into his, her eyes filled with want and desire that only Damon could see, and could for fill.

She quickly pushed him off and pinned him beneath her, flicking her hair to one side with a seductive look, biting her Lower lip, she slowly leaned back down, kissing him passionately once more.

She began to unbutton his shirk, removing it as fast as she could. He soon began to pull up her dress, parting from the kiss for a split second, he removed her dress and began to kiss her again.

He pinned her back down, kissing her neck softly. Sure enough, he found her sweet spot instantly, making her moan quietly as he kissed it and bit down slightly. His hands trailed down to her panties, just about to slide them off, slowly pulling them down until-...



Elizabeth woke up in bed.

"How the-? Damon?" She called, hearing his yelp.

But he soon enters her room with a smile.

"Just hurt my ankle by knocking it. Sorry I woke you babe." He says apologetically, laying beside her and pulling her close.

"We can have a nap, dinner can wait a little." Damon whispers, closing his eyes and starting to fall asleep.

Elizabeth, following soon after.


Mwahaha! I feel so evil! >_<

Nearly had a juicy scene, well you did a bit! ;)

Hope you like the update.

Let me know what you think!



Thank you!

Kisses! Xoxox

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