Chapter 2

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Thomas P.O.V

She spoke to me before the world fell apart.

Hey, are you still asleep?

I shifted in my sleep. The darkness around me turned solid almost as if it were pressing in on me. My eyes snapped open all I can see is the Box-----that horrible cube of metal that took my into a new life in the glade and into the maze. I see a faint light and the shadows of dressers and bunk beds fill the room. I here the faint breathing of the boy in the room when I realize that a sleeping figure is pressed tightly against my chest. There I realize that I am safe. No more grivers. No more worries. No more death.

I looked at her as she sleeps. Lightly breathing as if any moment it could be her last. And here I am staring at her like a shank.


Teresa. There is her voice. I never could explain how it got there or how it works but I did. I finally relaxed again making sure not to wake (Y/N) after that moment of pure terror.

Teresa what time is it?

No idea. But I can't sleep so I thought you could keep me company.

I smiled at her thought.

Didn't give me much choice in the matter its hard to sleep when someone is talking directly in you skull.

Waa waa. Fine, go back to sleep

Nope, I'm good

What are you thinking about

What do you think?

It was like she saw it. There skin of disgusting blubber and the metal arms and spikes.

Yes I know, how are we supposed to get them out of our heads.

It will go away it just takes time.

You're full of it.

I smiled at her remark.

I wish I didn't leave you guys and just stayed with you.

(Y/N) is with me

Not in the same bed Thomas

I guess they just wanted to protect you even though I would bet money on you with half of these shanks.

I could feel her smile. We just sat and not talked. Just enjoyed each others presence. Thats when the hazy and darkness washed over.

I was about four maybe five? Lying in a bed with thick warm blankets pulled up to his chin. A women is sitting next to him, her hand gently folded in her clothed lap. She had long brown bair and a face with few but showing signs of age. She's sad he can tell by her eyes. She trys very hard to hide it with a smile.

He wants to ask her something but something within him can't. For he's not really here. He's just witnessing it from a place he can't understand. She begins to speak to him a salty and sweet voice that almost disturbs him.

"They chose you for a reason you're special. Never forget that. And never forget how much-" the womens voice slightly cracked." Never forget how much I love you.

The boy pauses then replys but it not really me talking. "Mommy are you gonna go crazy like the people on TV? Like daddy?".

She reaches out for me and runs her fingers through my hair. Then she says something that haunts me.

"Don't worry won't be here to see it"

Then her smile dissapered.

The dream is gone as quickly as it came. Leavinh me with only thoughts. Had I seen another memory? Had I really seen my mom? There was something about my dad being crazy. My ache inside my head was pounding as I tried to go futher into oblivion.

Later, how much later I don't know Teresa spoke again.

Tom, something's wrong

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