Chapter 8

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(Y/N) P.O.V

The walls surrounging the common room were bare and plain as they could ever be. The smmoth plaster painted white, no decoration of any kind. An for some odd reason, no windows. Thomas walked briskly around the entire circumference, running his left hand across the wall. He went to the boys room and went past it to the big entrance, the one they came in the day before. There had been a complete downpour at that time which was weird considering that I had seen the sun shining behide the crazed man.

The entrance or exit had two large steel doors, their surfaces a shiny silver. And just as Minho said, a large chain. Its links a full inch thick had been threaded through the handels on the doors and pulled tight, tow big key locks snapped shut to keep it that way. Thomas reached oit and pulled on the chains to check their strenght.

Wow Thomas really effective

He turned to look at me a glared giving it a sassy tug again with out the chain budging. We all expected tbumps from the other side from Cranks trying to get in just as they were in the dorm room. But the room remained silent. The only sounds were muted and coming from the dorms were the shouts and screams from the cranks and murmers of the conversation of fellow gladers.

Frustrated, Thomas continued his trek along the walls until he made it back to the room that was supposed to be Teresa's. Nothing, not even a crack or seam to indicate another exit. The large room wasn't even square. It was an oval, round and cornerless.

I could tell he was thinking. But what had happened to Fress.

I don't know what to do

Its okay we will find her

He nodded and took my hand as we walk back into the room. Maybe Aris knew something. Just as Newt ordered, the top beds had been unhooked from the bottom ones and placed around the room against the walls, creating enough space for the nineteen other Gladers and Aris to sit in a circle, everyone facing each other.

When Minho saw us, he patted an empty spot next to him. I started to walk to another empty spot we a hand grabbed mine and Thomas lead me to the spot and pulled me to his lap. I tried to get off because well......its weird infront of boys.





He didn't anwser me after that. I kept moving around on him trying to make him as uncomfortable as possible. Then Minho spoke.

"Told ya dude. Let's talk. We waited on you. But close the shuck door as much as you can first, it smells like Gallys rotting feet out there."

Without responding he walked over and pulled the door shut and then sat down againntaking me with him. He was so woreied I could tell. I mean nothing told us that anything bad had happened to her.

Newt was on the bed to the right, sitting so far forward that his but was the only thing holding him on the mattress. "All right, let's get started on the bloody storytellin' so we can get to the real problem, finding something to eat."

Right on cue, I felt a hunger pang, I heard mine and Thomas's stomach growl. The problem hadn't occurred to me yet. Water would be fine-- we have bathrooms--- but there was no sign of food anywhere.

"Good that," Minho said. "Talk, Arid. Tell us everything."

The new boy was directly across the room from Thomas and I. The Gladers sitting on each sidenofnthe stranger had scooted to the far ends of the bed. Aris shook his head. "No way, You guys first."

"Yeah?" Minho responded. "How about we all take turns beating the living klunk out of yoir shuck face? Then we'll ask you to talk again."

I shot him a glare.

"Minho," Newt said sternly. "There's no reason---"

Minho pointed sharply at Aris. "Please, dude. For all we know this shank could be one of the creators. Somebody from WICKED, here to spy on us. He could've killed those people out there--- he's the only one we don't know and the doors and windows are locked! I'm sick of him acting all snooty when we've got twenty guys to his one. He should talk first."

Thomas groaned. One thing we both knew is that if Minho terrified this kid, he would never open upm

Newt sighed and looked over at Aris. "He's got a point. Just tell us what you meant about coming from the buggin' Maze. That's where we escaped from,we obviously haven't met you."

Aris rubbed his eyes, thwn met Newts gaze. "Fine, listen. I was thrown into this gigantic maze made out ouf huge stone walls---but before that my memory was erased. I couldn't remember anything bout my life before. I just knew my name. I lived there with a bunch of girls. There mustve been fifty of them, I was the only boy. We escaped a few days ago---the people who helped us in the big gym for a few days, then moved us here last night---but know one explained anything. Whays this stuff about you being in a maze, too?"

I barely heard the last few words of what Aris had said over the sounds of suprise coming from the other gladers. Confusion swirled through my brain. Aris had announced what he'd been through as simply as describing a trip to the beach. But it seemed crazy. Monumental, if true. Luckly someone voiced exactly what I was trying to sort out in my mind.

"Wait a minute," Newt said. "You lived in a big maze, on a farm, where walls closed every night? Just you and a few dozen girls? Were there these creatures called Grievers? Were you the lsat one to arrive? Did you come in a coma? With a note that said you were the last one ever?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Aris was sying before Newt had even finished. "How do you know all this? How..."

"Its the same shuck experiment," Minho said, the earlier belligerence gone from his voice. "Or same......whatever. But they had all girls and one boy, we had all boys but two girls. WICKED must've built two of those mazes, run two different tests!"

Thomas P.O.V

My line of thinking had already accepted that. I finally settled myself to speak. I looked at Aris. "Did they call you the Trigger?"

Aris nodded, obviously as perplexed as anyone else in the room.

"And could you......" I began, but hesitated. I felt like every time I brought this. That I was admittingto the world but (Y/N) that I was crazy. "Can you speak to one or two of those girls inside your mind? Ya know, like telepathically?"

Aris eyes widened, staring deeply at me as if he understood a dark secret that only somwone else who shared it could understand.

Can you hear me?

The phrase appered so clearly inside my mind that at first he thought Aris had spoken aloud. But no--- his lips hadnt moved.

Can you hear me? The boy repeated.

I hesitated, swallowed. Yes.

They killed her, Aris said back to me. They killed my best friend.

Dun dun dun. So super long chapter but you guys deserve it. So don't forget to follow, vote and comment my lovelies.



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