Chapter 7

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(Y/N) P.O.V

I looked at Thomas as his face softened. I could tell the kid wasn't lying, and he could tell too. A pure look of horror had taken a hold over Aris a face I haooen to know quite well. I knew the kind of memories that made a person look likt that. I also knew Aris had know idea what happened to Teresa.

"Maybe you should sit down," Thomas said. "I think we have a lot to talk about."

"What do you meam?" Aris asked. "Who are you guys? Where'd you come from?"

Thomas let out a small laugh and looked at me. "The Maze. The Grievers. WICKED. You name it." So much has happened, where would he even start? Not to mention that worry over Teresa was making our heads spin, making us want to find her even more, but we stayed.

"You're lying," Aris said, his voice having dropped to a whisper, his face now a full shade paler.

"No, we're not," Newt responded. "Tommy's right. We need to talk. Sounds like we come from similar places."

"Who's that guy?"

I turned to see Minho had entered, a pack of Gladers standing behind him on the other side of the doorway. Their faces were scrunched up from he smeel outside. Their eyes were still filled with the terror of what they saw, I couldn't blame them.

"Minho, meet Aris," Thomas said taking a step to the side and gestering towards the boy."Aris, meet Minho."

Minho stuttered out a few unintelligible words, as if he can't decide where to start.

"Look," Newt said. "Let's take down these top beds and move them around the room. Then we can all sit and figure out what's bloody going on."

Thomas look at me, then back at Newt. "No. First we need to go find Teresa. She must be in some other room."

"Isn't one," Minho said.

"What do you mean?"

"I just checked this whole place out. Theres the big common area, this room, our dorm room, and some seriously shucked doors that lead outside---where we came in from the bus yesterday. Locked and chained from the inside. Doesn't make sense, but I don't see any other doors or exits."

Thomas shook his head in confusion. I couldn't tell what was going on in his head until I heard his voice in my head.

(Y/N), it feels like millions of spiders spun webs through my brain. I don't know what's happening.

"But....what about last night? Where'd the food come from? Didn't anyone notice other rooms, a kitchen anything? He looked around, hoping for an answer, but know one said a word.

Thomas P.O.V

I didn't know what was happening. Nothing made sense. (Y/N) was staring at me with a worried expression. I know that look all to well.....


Sitting on top of the lookout post was so peaceful with her. From the start I knew her, I don't know how but I did. Gally thinks were connected somehow, that were the cause for everything going wrong. But I couldn't blame him. Three greenies, all close together. First me, then the girl in the coma and now her.

She had been a fighter from the start. They had pulled her from the box and the first thing she doc was punch Gally in the face and run toward the Maze. I just happen to be there with Chuck when I saw a figure running. The boys yelled to me to grab him. So I ran forward with all my speed and tackled him to the ground. The only problem was the he was actually another she.

"Get OFF" she yelled shoveing me off.

I had her hands pulled behind her back when the other gladers arrived finally. Chuck started laughing at Gally now bloody nose. Her eyes darted to the knife from cutting the roots up today in my pocket. She twisted around grabbed my belt loop and broke free. Now standing free with fifty boys staring down at her she had a look of worry.

*end flashback*

"Maube there's a hidden door," Newt finally said enterupting my thought. "Look we can only do one thing at a time. We need to---"

"No!" I shouted. "We've got all day to talk to this Aris guy. The label on the door said Teres should be here somewhere--- we need to find her."

Without waiting for a response, I headed for the door back to the common area. Pushing my way past boys until I was through. The smeel hit me first. The smell had gotten worse and the lifeless carcasses were staring at me with wide open eyes.

The fimilar sense of revulsion filled my stomach and triggered my gag reflexes. Closeing my eyes fro a second before I was grabbed. (Y/N) looked at me with the worried face again.

What are you doing? Stop acting stupid, we will find her.

Her voice rattled through my skull. And I finally let my insides settle. I began my search again and with a sigh (Y/N) followed. I concentrated so hard on everything else but the bodies.

But then it struck me. What is she..............

I ran through the room looking at faces of the bodies. None of them where hers. Relief dissolved my fleeting moment of panic and now I can focus on the room itself.

Hey there. So kinda a short chapter I just got home and I'm super tired sooooooooo I'm going to go to sleep. But here was a small flashback of when you and Thomas met. So I bet some people are wondering like where is all the romance and kisses and bluh. Wellllllllll it is a romace but I am trying to focus more on writing the start of the story and then the romamce stuff will start being more often but you just have to wait my lovelies. So the ten day thing is on still but I changed it a little so go check it out. Anyway see you soon my lynninators.

~kisses Lynn

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