This is a sequel to Cat Eyes And Silent cries. In this book, you can explore and he love lives of the characters and the drama of situations holding them back.
Alec woke up in the apartment. As he turned over, he reached to his side to cuddle with Magnus. But he wasn't there. It was six o'clock, Magnus never woke up so early. Alec sat up then stood up out of the bed. He threw on a sweat shirt on and walked out the bedroom. Alec stopped and raised an eyebrow to see Magnus with a red headed baby in his hands. Magnus looked terrible. "Morning..." He said. Magnus looked up, still feeding the baby food from a jar. "Morning Alec." Alec walked closer to the two. "Who's this?" He asked. "This little rascal, is Tiffany." Magnus answered with a sigh. "Clary came at five o'clock this morning to drop her off since she and Jace are going on a mission and needed a babysitter. From then on, my life was pure hell." Alec laughed. Alec grabbed Tiffany from Magnus's arms and held her tightly like she was a fragile vase. Alec then decided to tickle her. Magnus's eyes shot open. "No i wouldn't-" It was too late. Tiffany puked all over Alec. "Do that..." Alec gave Tiffany back to Magnus. "Take the baby." He then walked into the bathroom to clean up the mess.
2hours later, Tiffany was crawling everywhere, knocking down everything she touched. Alec and Magnus sat on the couch and watched. "Remind me to never consider us having a kid?" Alec asked. Magnus nodded in agreement. Magnus soon snapped his fingers again and the whole apartment was clean and Tiffany was in his arms. As he lifted her up to play, he smelt the worst thing he has ever smelt in his whole life time. "EW EW EW EW!!!!" He yelled. Alec was startled now. "What?!?" Magnus gave Tiffany to him and walked off. "Little Missy there made a poopy!" Alec almost cursed, but he remembered baby's repeat everything. "Not it!" He yelled. Magnus then came storming back. "Fuck you, Alexander." He whispered. "Fuk!" Tiffany repeated. Alec covered his mouth in surprise. "Don't tell Clary." Magnus begged. A few hours later, Tiffany finally fell asleep. "Thank GOD." Alec hissed. The two headed to bed and snuggled next to each other, Magnus in Alec's arms. They immediately fell asleep. But, it wasn't too long until Tiffany woke up. Alec growled. Magnus moaned. Then, the greatest thing happened. A knock on the door. Magnus opened it. He was pleased. He didn't need an explanation. He took Tiffany up, and took her to Clary. "Here, take the demon you call a baby away from our presence." Clary laughed and took her home. Magnus closed the door and turned to Alec. He then ran to him and jumped on him, attacking him with kisses. Alec laughed against his lips, bringing him close.
The next day, Clary came back to drop of Tiffany. This is time, Alec opened the door. Magnus was sleeping heavily, still exhausted from the previous day. Babysitting was not good to the couple, but Clary had paid them $25 each hour. So basically, not taking care of Tiffany wasn't an option. She handed her to Alec and left, leaving behind some toys for her to play with when she's bored. Alec sat her down an turned on the Television, letting her watch a kids show. Magnus soon got up out of bed, he wanted to drink a morning cocktail, but he paused and made a face at Tiffany, who was sucking her thumb, drooling all over his new coach. "What is the demon doing here?" He asked. Alec looked up from his book. "Morning sunshine." Magnus rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen to make coffee instead. As Magnus walked over to the coach to drink his coffee, his eyes lit yellow, revealing his demon mark. When he sat, Tiffany has gazed at him and cried her loudest. "After 400 years I lived, I have never heard something so loud and annoying." Alec patted his back and picked her up. "What's the matter?" He asked her. She pouted, pointing to Magnus's eyes. Alec looked in surprise, then broke down laughing, setting her down. Magnus, however, was not laughing. "What?" He asked. Alec continued to laugh, a smile on his face that Magnus has never seen. "Your-" he paused to laugh. "Your eyes!" He laughed harder, Tiffany really made him crack up. Magnus then began to smile. He brought Tiffany over to him. He then blinked a couple of times, concealing and revealing his mark. Yellow to brown. Tiffany began to laugh. Alec then stopped laughing, still giggling under his breath.
2 hours later, No knocking came to the door. Where were they? Hi mission wasn't so hard. Soon, Alec got a call from Clary. "Hello?" "Yea, hey so, we might not come so early, we were assigned another mission." She answered. Alec sighed. "Fine, later." He hung up the phone and walked over to the couch where Magnus and Tiffany were sleeping. Alec sighed once more and headed to bed to read. Another hour passed, and finally, a knock came. Alec stood up out of bed and walked over to the door to open it. "Hellooo." He said. Jace was at the door. Jace waved with a slight smile on his face. He then saw Magnus and Tiffany out like a light. He walked over to the two and picked Tiffany up. Alec smiled in surprise. He had never seen Jace handle something so carefully. He laughed slightly. "What?" Jace asked. "Nothing." Alec said, trying to hide his smile. Jace walked out and paid Alec and gave him Magnus's money to give to him when he wakes up. Alec closed the door, set the money on the counter, and proceeded to lay next to Magnus on the couch. He played with his shirt, until it came off. He then examined the mark Magnus only showed him once. He traced it over with his fingers, making Magnus shiver in his sleep.
Magnus woke up about an hour later. He got up, but quickly went back down when Alec slightly pushed him down in his sleep. He then realized he was shirtless. Magnus raised an eyebrow,then concealing his marks with a glamour. He turned to Alec's face, tempted to wake him up. He lightly kissed him instead, which soon transitioned to deeply kissing him. Alec moaned, Magnus almost woke him up. "I love you, biscuit.." Magnus whispered in his ear. "Mhm.." Alec mumbled. Magnus got back up, moving Alec's hand to the side. When Alec woke up, it was night. He was in bed, which he didn't remember rolling into. He got up and rubbed his eyes. As he quietly opened the door, he was surprised to see the living room empty. He walked around the apartment looking for Magnus. He then heard the shower head running from the bathroom. He walked in and saw the shadow of his boyfriend behind the curtain. "Morning." He said, which startled Magnus a little. He pulled the curtain and peeked out thankful to see Alec. "Morning, darling." Alec proceeded to brushing his teeth . Then Magnus's phone rang, vibrating on the counter. "Hey Mags, Izzy's calling you." He said. "Answer it for me?" Alec did. "Yello?" "Alec? Why do you have Magnus's phone?" She asked. Alec rolled his eyes. "He's in the shower at the moment, wanna leave a message?" "Yes, tell him to come immediately. My hair is out if control!" Alec laughed. "K bye." He hung up the phone. "What happened?" Magnus asked. "Izzy has a hair emergency." Magnus rolled his eyes. "I told her not to you the hairspray!"
A/N: if you were wondering what Amethyst probably looks like, here it is:
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