This is a sequel to Cat Eyes And Silent cries. In this book, you can explore and he love lives of the characters and the drama of situations holding them back.
Amethyst sat in a chair in the institute, observing her claws. Liam sat next to her. "How much you wanna bet that Isabelle is gonna run out yelling about her hair in the next five seconds." He asked. Amethyst looked over to him with an unsure face. "$5." Liam considered it. "5-4-3-2.." After the last second, Izzy ran out screaming. Liam held out his hand to Amethyst. "My money please?" Amethyst sighed and reached in her pocket for his money. "Thank you you much." Amethyst got up and walked to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. She poured her ready coffee in a mug and drank it. Jace came from behind, also grabbing a cup. "Morning." Amethyst was startled. She spilled all off her coffee on her black long sleeve shirt. Thank god it was black. "By Lilith, Jace! Stop that!" She yelled. Jace laughed, amused of how childish she sounded. She sighed in frustration and left with less than half a cup of coffee. She passed Liam with a face. "Whoa, what happened to you?" He asked. "Jace happened."
A few hours later, Amethyst, Liam , Jace and Clary went on a mission. Then four were in an abandoned building, checking every room till they found something. "Hey guys, I'll check over here." Jace and Clary nodded with Liam "So, how's life?" Liam asked. Jace rolled his eyes. "You're annoying, you know that?" Jace asked in a harsh tone. "So I'm told." Clary laughed. "So, I was wondering, do all shadow hunters have runes? I mean, it's pretty cool. What type of demon do you-" Jace had enough of the talking. "I feel bad for your parents, they had to put up Will h you." Liam stopped. He clenched his fists. "Parents....parents is a strong word." He said. Jace had forgotten about his age. "Sorry." Clary couldn't hard to hear more sad situations, so she bugged in the conversation. "C'mon guys, we are looking for demons not sad-" Clary stopped and look back with the others as they heard a scream, most likely Amethyst's. The three ran to the direction of the sound, which led to a room. They opened the door, and were shocked to see a giant hole in the floor and other floors below it. They could still see her falling. They quickly ran down to the bottom floor as fast as they could. When they got there, she was in the hands of a greater demon. "Let go of her!" Clary yelled. The three drew out their swords, pointing them to the demon. Shockingly, the demon began to shrink, turning into a human form. Pitch black spiked hair and a shredded shirt appeared. He still had Amethyst in his hands. "She's okay..I think." Jace stared in confusion, so as the others. "Hello?" They asked again. They snapped Liam came running to her side. "You two related?" She they asked. Liam looked up. How did he know that. Pretty cheesy. He thought. "Why is it cheesy?" The demon asked. "Y-you can read my mind..." Liam said. Jace and Clary looked up from Amethyst. "Yea, so I wouldn't curse so much. Got it?" Liam looked back down to his sister. "What's your name?" Clary asked the demon. They looked at her with a grin on his face. "Barry." Clary smiled. "What? You interested?" Jace stormed in front of him. "Sorry, she's taken." Barry smiled slyly. Liam started." Your real name is Barry?" He said. He stopped examining Amethyst and gazed at Liam then at Clary and Jace. "Is he always this stupid?" The two nodded."You know, 'Liam' ,you should stop cursing in your mind. It's a bad practice." Jace rolled his eyes. "So who are the rest of you?" Jace started. "I'm Jace, this is Clary, and she.." he pointed to Amethyst. "Is Amethyst." Barry gazed upon Amethyst's face. "Amethyst....What a beautiful name." Liam decided to roll his eyes now. "Okay, Barry, we need to get Amethyst to the infirmary and get her better. So, we will see you another time." Barry stopped him, but was wordless. He waved his hand over Amethyst, and suddenly, she woke up with a start. She's gazed in the eyes of her savior. Jace was amazed at how fast he did that. But then, it came to him. Barry was demon. 1 of many enemies o shadow hunters. "Okay, okay. Next couple meeting you." He drew his sword to Barry's face. Before he hit him, Amethyst yelled. "No!" The point of his blade was at Barry's nose."Whoa, buddy, that's a sharp blade you got there." Barry said. "Keep him Alive..." Jace looked at her like she was insane. "Amethyst, He's a demon. Not to mention, an ENEMY." Liam nodded in agreement. Clary joined the conversation. "Jace, he helped Amethyst live. What demon would do such a thing?" She protests. "It's true. I could've ripped her throat out already, but I changed my mind." Barry smiled. Jace sighed. "Fine. But if anyone finds out-" "No one will, Jace." Clary said. "How are you so sure? The boy stinks in his demon stench!" Liam explained. Barry walked closer to to him nearly about to choke him. "Watch your tongue, you already have me pissed off." Jace started again. "Thank n how are we supposed to bring him?" The 4 began arguing louder. Amethyst snapped her fingers and everyone held their tongues. "Magnus. He had a spell to erase an aroma." She explained.
Magnus and Alec were eating Taki's takeout quietly. Magnus's eyes shot open when he smelt something terrible. "What now?" Alec asked. "I smell a demon." Magnus rolled his eyes. A know came to the door. He opened it, surprised to see Amethyst. "Hello, what can I do for you?" Amethyst smiled. "Magnus, we need a small favor. You see, our friend here needs a smell to erase his terrible aroma." She walked out of his way to reveal him. Magnus masked himself with a fake smile. "Ah, Brandon. Long time no see." Barry masked him self with a fake smile also."Brandon is my mother's chosen name. It's Barry now." Alec continued to eat his soup, eyes widened to smell Barry's odor. He immediately lost his appetite. Magnus led him to his library, leaving everyone else in the living room. He let Barry lay on the table, so he could work his magic better. "ARANTHRA, GUE SHE DUBUN!" Magnus yelled. Nothing happened. Magnus looked at him funny. "When was the last time you washed this shirt?" Barry shrugged. "Demon don't have time to wash clothes in Hell." Magnus rolled his eyes. "Take it off." "Excuse me?" Barry was surprised. Magnus rolled his eyes again. Barry did as said. Magnus repeated the spell. "ARANTHRA, GUE SHE DUBUN!" It worked this time. What a difference. Magnus replaced his smell with a nice ocean breeze. When Barry walked out, everyone smiled at the nice new smell.
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Later on , they all were back to the institute. Amethyst propped her feet up on the table, reading Greek mythology. Liam sat across from her, bored out of his mind. Barry walked over to Amethyst, looking over her shoulder. She blushed a dark pink which complements her pale skin. "Wanna get out of here?" He asked. Liam looked up, curious. She nodded and they headed out the entrance of the church. They headed out the back. "Look what I found." He called. They stopped at a deeply dug up part of the grass. Barry bent down and picked up a shiny purple and rock and showed it to Amethyst. "It's an Amethyst..." He said. Amethyst blushed even more smiling brightly. "Keep it, from me to you." Amethyst could hold back the urge anymore. She pulled him close and kissed him. He pushed her back. "Don't do that again." He said. Amethyst was confused. "Why?" "My kisses are poison, literally. Remember?" Amethyst had forgotten he was a demon. She laughed at herself. She then proceeded to hug him tightly. He was surprised. He still couldn't register this. He then hesitated to hug her, but eventually, he did. He had never hugged someone in ages, unless he was choking his prey. But, with Amethyst, he was gentle.