A/N: HAY. So guess what? Today is Harry Shum Jr's go birthday today, and also Magnus appreciation day! So, in honor of him, imma make a chapter about Magnus's bday!! Date: April 28 2016
Magnus was exhausted after a long day at work. He decided to spend time at the institute to get his mind off things. As he entered the institute, no one was there. The whole building was empty. "Hello?" He said, his voice echoed through the walls of the institute. He walked around, examining every inch of the lobby. He then decided to check Alec's room, but he wasn't there. He then began to assume everyone went on a war or mission or something. He decided to drop off his stuff in the conference room until everyone came back. As he opened the door, he sensed the presence of many. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone yelled in unison. Magnus was completely blown away. Everyone was there. Alec, Isabelle, Clary, Amethyst, Liam, Barry, Maryse, and even Jace. He was was pleased to see a 4 layered cake with his name on the front, everything was chocolate, his favorite. Everyone took turns to hug him, But he was anxious to get his hands on that cake, which had about 500 candles. Everything went silent when Magnus was in front of the cake. "Make a wish." Clary said. Magnus smiled brightly and closed his eyes for a moment. He then blew all the candles, blue mist coming from his mouth. Everyone clapped in joy, then finaly, Magnus got to cut the cake and eat a big slice. "Mm!" He moaned. "This is the most delicious cake I've ever tasted!" Izzy smiled. "Me and Clary made it just for you." Magnus raised an eye brow. "Then you two must always make me delicious treats like this!" The three laughed. After a few hours, the cake was done for. Magnus went home with a full stomach. He laid on the couch and instantly fell asleep. Alec came back and saw him out like a light, chairman meow on his side. He smiled and left, leaving Magnus a buffet of Taki's.

Cat Eyes And Silent Cries Book 2
FanfictionThis is a sequel to Cat Eyes And Silent cries. In this book, you can explore and he love lives of the characters and the drama of situations holding them back.