Izzy shook her head as she couldn't believe this was happening. Then it hit her. She could use a healing rune on Amethyst. She drew out her stele and grabbed her left arm, but she found an already drawn healing rune that Alec drew when the found her and Liam at the site. She decided to trace it instead. Barry got back up and wiped his tears. He picked Amethyst up and the 6 left. Afterwards, Amethyst finally had woken up from her slumber. Barry was sitting next to her with his head in his hands. He was startled to hear Amethyst's gasp. He jumped to his feet and hunched over her, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. "Amethyst...." he smiled brightly. They kiss for a few, then Amethyst pulled away. "You were crying...your cheek are wet.." Barry smiled. "It's nothing." Amethyst sits up in the bed. Alec walks in. "Rise n' shine." He stressed. Amethyst waved at him awkwardly. She began to get up but realized she was wearing one of those hospital robes. "Where are my clothes?" She asked. Alec raised an eyebrow. "They were burnt, so Izzy brought you some to replace them." He pointed to the clothes on the chair beside her. It was a leather jacket , high waisted jeans, and a lace see though shirt. Amethyst made a face. "I'm not wearing that." She snapped her fingers and she was properly clothed in her usual long sleeved baggy black shirt and overalls, the only new thing. She got up and hugged Barry.
"Barry?" Amethyst said. She and Barry were sitting at his house doing whatever. "Yep?" He answered. Amethyst took her hand and guided his head to meet her eyes. "Why haven't you've shown me your demon mark?" Barry chuckled a bit. "Why does it come to your concern, besides you must know all demons have the same marks from bloodline." Amethyst nodded her head. "Yea, but you're different. Special." Barry smiled. He then grew horns from his forehead, they were a very dark blue. Amethyst patted the tip of his finger on the tip. "Pointy." She described. Barry went back to what he was doing, his horns went back into his head. He was reading a novel about Greek mythology. He thought it was funny how humans thought there were a set of gods. Amethyst watched him as he was so deep in thought and interested in the book. She decided to take the book from his hand and set it down beside her, jumping on his lap so they were face to face. "Yes?" He asked sarcastically. She smiled brightly. "Barry, let me tell you. I've been Alive for 3 centuries, and I've never came across someone so.. Dull as you." Barry grinned. "You're just jealous." "Of your dullness?" They both laughed. Amethyst pinned him down on the couch and then sat on his stomach. "Are you ticklish?" She asked. Barry made a face. "Both answers will make you tickle me." He said. Amethyst smiled and tickled him. He laughed and laughed and laughed, he almost made her fall when he scrunched up his legs. They both laughed. Barry then got a hold of Amethyst and tickled her too. Soon they stopped, still laughing under their breathe.
A/N: sorry chapter was very short. I'm have an idea for Barry, but I don't want to put it in this chapter. :(

Cat Eyes And Silent Cries Book 2
FanfictionThis is a sequel to Cat Eyes And Silent cries. In this book, you can explore and he love lives of the characters and the drama of situations holding them back.