13. Personal Tour Guide

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Renegade's POV

Recognized: B02-Aqualad

Recognized: B03-Kid Flash

Recognized: B04-Superboy

Recognized: B05-Miss Martian

Recognized: B06-Red Arrow

Recognized: B07-Artemis

Recognized: Most Epic, Genius, Adorable, Sneaky, Ninja Hacker. EVER.

Once the announcement had been made, and we were all fully materialized, I fell to my knees, gasping for breath. The rest of the bodies around me fell to the ground. I gowned and frowned as I stood up. Being trapped in a very uncomfortable position under six sweaty bodies, and practically being suffocated is not a memorable experience.

"Totally not asterous."

After getting well deserved air back into my lungs, I stood up and looked at the still unconscious teens. I was getting annoyed at how much I was having to do for them. Why I decided to help them? The answer is eluded from me.

"First, they fail the mission and could have had themselves killed, if it wasn't for me. Second, they decide to torture me by becoming unconscious-for what?-The past 20 minutes?!"

I growl and, not caring if I was being gentle or not, I grab Superboy's leg and try dragging him to the makeshift living room of the Mountain. Luckily, for me, it's not that far. I, then, spent the next five minutes dragging everyone, (except for Artemis and Megan. I carried them back.), back to the living room. I stepped back to admire my work as I stretched my aching arms.

Superboy was sitting on one of the ends of the couch with Megan leaning against him. On the other end of the sofa, cue my smirk, Wally had his arm around Artemis, who was also leaning against the speedster. Roy and Kaldur where sitting upside down on the other sofa.

"Perfect. This is my cue to leave."

I turned heel, to go back to the Zeta-Tube when I had the most genus idea, since putting the teens in a box and dragging them behind a motorcycle for ten miles.

"I'm in Mount Justice.......The base for the Team........Where there is bound to be some fun stuff........."

I had a cheshire grin plastered to my face and decided to give myself a personal tour of the Mountain. I was just about to leave, to start my 'adventure', but not before taking a picture of the teens on the couches with my holo-glove.

"This will be perfect for the scrapbook!"

I smirked and left for the teen's bedrooms.

Stop one of the tour: The Garage! Wonder what they have in there?

I walked into the garage and promptly walked out minutes later with a step ladder, paint, paint brushes, glue bootless, goggly eyes, rope, and a polished cow bell.

"My, my, what pink walls you have Artemis!"

I smirked and dropped the paintbrush into the half empty bucket of bubblegum pink paint. I was about to start the next step, but I stopped and pulled out my signature feather and dropped it too, into the paint bucket. I picked up the half empty bucket and moved it away from the front of the door. I then continued to crack the door open, with just enough room for me to slip in and out, and set up the step ladder next to it. I picked up the left over bubblegum paint and carefully balanced it on the door. And for the final piece, I tied the rope to the bell and hung the bell to the door.

I stepped back to admire my artwork.

Artemis' room was now transformed into a Barbie Wonderland. Her walls now pink, and a paint bucket over her door, I managed to slip through the door and continued on my tour to the kitchen.

On my way to the kitchen, I happened to pass a room where multiple, random objects were on shelves. Distracted, I went in and found what was supposed to be Wally's souvenirs from every mission. He even had a feather from one of my encounters with him.

"Time to add another then!"

I grabbed one of the feathers from my pocket and set it next to the older feather.

I then pulled out a bottle of glue and a couple of goggly eyes and proceeded to glue the eyes to the souvenirs. I then pulled out one of my colorful sharpies and added smiles, frowns, and surprised faces.

"Another job, well done."

I clapped my hands together and walked away from the souvenirs.

"Onwards to the kitchen!"

I chuckled gleefully and dumped the sugar into the baking soda container, salt into the sugar container, and baking soda into the salt container. I replaced the tins into the cupboards, but not before slipping a feather into each container.

"Can't wait to see their faces when they eat Megan's cookies."

I jumped off the counter and looked over parallel counter to see if the teens were still asleep. They were. The smile melted of my face and I frowned. I'm bored now. All of a sudden, a voice called out in the silence.

I wildly looked around myself, before I realized that the voice was the Zeta Tubes's announcing someone arrival. I stuck to the wall and slinked over to where the Zeta Tubes were.

Recognized: 02 Batman

Recognized: 04 Flash

Recognized: 01 Superman

Well, things just got interesting......

Hurray! Another update! This chapter is short compared to the others, but I promise that the next chapter will be defiantly worth it! I was also wondering if you would like me to show the Team's reactions to the pranks that Renegade set up in the next chapter.

And for those wondering when the next chapter of 'Buried Secrets' will be out, the chapter that I'm writing for it is long. I haven't decided wether to split it (If I do split it, the first half will be out super quickly and the second half in a 4 or 5 days.) or just have the giant chapter (If this choice, then it won't be out for another four or five days.)

I aslo have posted another, short and completed, Young Justice story. I had written it a while back, (it was before I even had the IDEA for 'The Only Escape'.) Basically a story of a sleepy and tired Robin. It's four chapters and they're pretty short. I randomly decided to post on my account.

On a completely unrelated topic, testing is over!!!!!


P.S. I still don't own any of the photos I put into my stories.

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