12. Not Paid Enough

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Renegade's POV

I chuckled and pulled on my game face. I jumped down from the tree and slinked around the bushes. I reached the front of the factory, yet I knew better, so I walked to the side and found a metal pipe leading to the roof. My ride has arrived.  I managed to climb the drainage pipe to the roof. I then go down on my knees and crawled to a large vent. Lying on my stomach, I pulled out my laser pen and cut the  metal grate of the vent shaft. I replaced the pen back into one of my hidden pockets. The opening was just big enough for someone small to fit through. One of the good things of being small. 

I jumped head first in and slid -penguin style- down the vent. While I could say it was fun, being shocked everywhere did have the sensation of making you feel that ants are crawling around your stomach and nipping at your flesh. Ouch! Stupid little shocky things- uhhh, friction or... whatever!

I managed to shift myself so that I was now sliding feet first. I used the rubber soles on my boots to an advantage, and scraped them against the vent. I slowly stopped and could see another grate that lead to the interior of the the factory a few feet ahead of me. 

I crawled, hands and knees, to the grate. Repeating the same process I had done to remove the first grate lid, I pulled of this one and set it down next to me. I winced when it scraped against the side of the metal vent. 

I peered outside the vent, and found that I was overlooking everything in the factory. Wow. Much bigger on the inside. I looked down. Much bigger.

Where it was supposed to be the main floor, the ground was dug out and the actual floor of the factory was at least 20 feet below. The entrance of the factory lead you a platform with a staircase on both sides. One that lead you down into the basement/main floor and the other lead you up, directly to a door. On the door was a sign stating, 'CAUTION. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT.' 

That's probably where the lights and fuse boxes are.

Below was the typical factory equipment. Boxes, styrofoam peanuts, conveyor belts, work tables, were organized into neat rows. And below also happened to be where the Young Justice Team were walking around and searching for any clue to show that traces of illegal drugs were being packaged there. 

Too bad that the guilty party of workers will come running in here because of the silent alarm. 


Kid Flash's POV

I ran from work bench to work bench, looking at the pile of papers on each. Most of them were just orders but few others had instruction books placed around machines and levers. 

"Probably for the newbies."

I set down the clutter of papers I had in my hands on the bench. The rest of the Team was spread out searching for anything that could be used to prove the mission. I took a second to double check all of the papers once again and sped off to the platform that was in front of the entrance. I looked down on everyone and decided for a little fun. I stepped up to the railing and spread my arms out wide, deepening my voice.

"Get to work my slaves!"

Miss Martian gasped and turned around. Everyone else to seemed caught surprised and too looked at me with weapons drawn. I couldn't help it but laugh. I was benched over, my face as red as my hair, when I noticed that the factory had an echo.

I stopped laughing just as an angry Artichoke yelled at me.


I yelled back down at her, enjoying the sound of my voice leaving an echo in the air. 

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