14. Interrogation

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Renegade's POV

Once all three heroes materialized, they started talking, well at least the Flash and Superman did. Batman just stood to the side, frowning. Flash and Superman were talking about some improvements that needed to be made in the Watch Tower, I've got to visit sometime, when they suddenly stopped at the sound of Batman's growl.

Oops. Looks like I'm in trouble now.

Batman growled and started walking towards the living room. Flash and Superman just followed after. I couldn't help but chuckle at the scene waiting for them.

I followed after, sticking to the shadows. I leaned against the wall and smirked at the shocked faces of Flash and Superman. Batman just stood, as impassive as ever. Suddenly, Batman snapped his head up at me, and this movement left Flash and Superman also squinting into the darkness around me. Batman glared right at me and stared right back at him. Batman then growled out.

"I know your here."

I took a couple of steps out of the shadows, never loosening my glare at Batman. Flash and Superman gasped and started rambling on about me 'being the kid running around Gotham' and 'the idiot who keeps hacking the Bat Cave'.

I crossed my arms against my chest and gave one more glare at Batman. I then held my hands up in surrender, chuckling.

"Looks like I've been caught!"


Batman's POV

I could only watch through the one-sided window (Though Renegade had already announced that he knew the rest of the League members and I were watching him) as Oliver was beginning to lose patience with the boy.

Renegade was sitting on the floor, shackles on his wrists and ankles, keeping him to the floor. At first, he was sitting in a chair, handcuffed, but his complaining towards Superman drove everyone crazy enough until we decided to let him sit on the ground. Currently, Renegade was doing a handstand, tilting his head back to look Green Arrow in the face.

I listened to the conversation on the other side of the glass.

"Why were you in the the Mountain and why were they unconscious?"

Renegade stopped smiling and flipped in an amazing act of gymnastics (But I'm sure it was something other than gymnastics. Where have I seen this before?) and sat criss-cross-applesause, with his arms folded against his chest.

"You very impatient. Yet asking me to answer two questions, well I didn't know you thought so highly of me!"

Oliver growled. "Fine. Answer me this, why were they unconscious?"

"Who is they?"

"They! The members of Young Justice!"

"Hmmmm. The name doesn't sound familiar."

The boy put on an excellent show of not knowing who they were, yet we all knew that he was just toying with us. Before Green Arrow managed to choke the boy, Black Canary arrived and we had her switch places with Oliver.

To be honest, I don't usually miss things or get distracted, but agreeing to this had to be a huge mistake. Somehow, during the talk between Renegade and Black Canary, it was decided.

This will either kill us or the Young Justice. Point made, I don't see anything good coming out of this. But...... I could learn more about him. This might be the only way.
Kid Flash's POV

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