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So as a Canadian, I have recently become very interested in America's history

Through the wonderful Broadway musical, Hamilton.

I can only listen to the soundtrack cause I don't have money to fly to New York and see it myself, lmao, but
Watch this.

Yes it's an animation, but an amazing one.

This is one of my favourite songs on the soundtrack (next to 'cabinet battle #1' it's fucking golden)

I can sing the first part, which is Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton.
I can also rap the parts of the other three (Laurens, Lafayette, and Hercules)
EVEN THE FRENCH PARTS (I actually do the French parts the second best lmao)

It's just such a good thing.

Go and listen to the soundtrack on YouTube. All 40 something songs. I used a playlist that only had one song missing ('Stag Alive' if you look at the comments during all the songs, you'll notice people talking about this in the song that's after where Stay Alive I suppose to be. And there are two versions of stay alive (only one is in this playlist)

You Americans probably know about all these people and hate the history. The listening to it through rap, and I usually hate rap, is so good. Just pls.

I need someone to be part of my squad.
I can be Laurens or Lafayette. If u can't do the French, I can be Lafayette. But I need a Hercules cause I /always/ mess up at that part.

Plus the guy who made this all, aka the one who plays Hamilton, is a sweetheart. Most of the cast is POC, tho back then it was all white people. Aaron Burr and Washington are black, Alexander is Puerto Rican. It's beautiful.

Pls just join me in this hell

I'm Trash. (Rant Book 4)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt