Chapter 17

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I woke up first thing in the morning. As I glanced at the clock, 11:32AM. What the glob!? I got up quickly and ran to the bathroom, I took a bath and went to my closet and got dressed. I walk to the kitchen and took an apple. I remembered something. That was yesterday. I saw him. Was he real? Was it only a dream?

As I was on my way to the living room. And I saw Liam with a girl cuddling. And that girl, wasn't Danielle at all. It was some blonde-ish brown-ish bimbo chick. And I don't like her already, I mean she's wearing a cut low dress, and its cleavage! I mean, yuck!

I dropped the apple as I saw both of them kissed. Then, the bimbo saw me so she stopped and Liam looked behind and saw me. His expression was shocked and ashamed.

"Liam, can I talk with you for a minute?" I said, he nodded his head, and I went back in the kitchen as he followed. 

"Where's the boys?" I asked.

"Oh, they went on groceries with Paul. No one's gonna be left at home, and you were still asleep, so I decided to stay home and watch." He explained. 

"Does the boys knew?" 

He slowly nodded, "They knew that I'm dating Sophia."

"Oh, so that bimbo name's Sophia?" 

"Don't you call her that!" He spat. 

"But Dani?" 

"We're done."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!" 

"Because... I know that you and Dani are close, and I don't want to ruin your friendship because of me." 

"Liam, you could've just told me so! Than, I caught you sharing saliva with the girl!" I exclaimed. 

"I'm sorry! Plus, I love Sophia!" 

"No. I want Dani, not that bimbo! I don't like her. I mean, the way she dressed, she looks like a slut!" All those words came out of my mouth, but I know that Liam was already angry, so he slapped me. I gasped out of pain. 

"We may not be the same blood, and I'm not your sister, but I just want to protect you Liam. I know she's just going to hurt you. I like Dani better than her, I'm not judging the person you dated, but I want Dani to be yours. Because you make her happy, she makes you happy. I can imagine how you and Dani will have a happy family. You and Dani are meant for each other. I'll leave you and your slut alone.. Just remember, I DON'T LIKE HER, and I will never will. And I can't believe you slapped me. That hurt Liam, it really did. You two have a great day." As I finished my speech, I walked out of the house, slamming the door. 

I left my phone at my room, I didn't want to go back inside, so I decided to go to Perrie's house. I know she's there. 


I knocked at her door, as her mom answered the door. "Good Morning Mrs. Edwards." I smiled. 

"Carly, hello sweetie. Come in, come in" She said. 

"Where's Perrie?" I asked, "She's at her room, you should go to her."

I walk upstairs and went to Perrie's room ad knocked, "Carly! You're here! Come in!" She said. 

"Are you crying? What's wrong?"

"L-Liam, slapped me." I cried. 

"What? Why would he do that?" Perrie said shockingly and hugged me. 

"Because I called Sophia, slut." I said. 

She gasped, "Why did you?" 

"Because I don't like her to be Liam's girlfriend! I want Dani. Dani's perfect for Liam, they're perfect for each other. Not Sophia, plus, Liam didn't tell me that him and Danielle broke up. I just caught him in the living room with that girl, kissing." I sobbed. 

Liam slapped me for the very first time. I guess I deserve it too. Because I called her new girlfriend a slut. But I was only telling the truth. She does look like a slut. I am so not in the mood right now. Urgh! 


Two Days past. and I'm still inside my bedroom. I haven't eat or something.I didn't want to go out, I'm still not in the mood. I'm just mad because he didn't tell me him and Danielle broke up, and he replaced Dani with a slut. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Danielle. 

"Hello?" She answered. 

"Dani," I said

"Carly! Oh my gosh, I missed you so much, how are you?" She said.

"I'm fine." I said. 

"Really? I don't think so. Is there a problem sweetie?" She said

"Why didn't you tell me you and Liam broke up?" I cried.

She remained silent. 

"Dani, she replaced you with a slut! I want you to be his girlfriend. Not Sophia." I said

"Carly, I know, I know, but it's too hard for us, I mean long-distance-relationship is really hard you know. I love Liam, I love him so much, but it's for the best. If you love someone so much, you need to let them go." She said.

"But, I want you for Liam." I said

"Carly, listen, I know but you nee to understand, we lost feelings for each other already... I need to go." And she hung up.


"Who is it?" I said. 

"It's Niall." He said. I stood up and opened the door. I saw Niall standing in front of me. And I raised my eyebrows at him playfully. 

"Can I help you?

"You need to get out of your bedroom!" He exclaimed. I laughed. "What's funny?! I'm serious, Carly!" 

I nodded my head, "You want me to go out of this bedroom? Why so?"

"Because you haven't eat for 2 days! And we're worried you'll get sick." He said.

"Don't worry, tomorrow. I'll be out tomorrow." I smirked and closed the door. "Good Night Niall." I said before closing it. And locked the door. I turned out the lights and went straight to bed. 


And here it is! Sorry for updating soooooooo late! Busy busy busy :3 I know I've been updating so late, I'm so sorry! Forgive me? (:

Anyways, no offense for Sophia Smith. But honestly, I don't like her. Please, don't be mad or something or hate me or something. I just want Dani to be with Liam. I mean they're perfect for each other! OMG. 

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-Shay<3 ILOVEYOUALLSOMUCH! :D :* Mwaaaaah! 

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