Son-Of-A-Love Story

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Come here my son let me tell you a story
I know what your thinking "dads stories always bore me"
but this is a lesson I want . to learn because one day my son it may be your turn
This is a story about your mom and I
I was in love with her but boy was I shy
when she saw me looking she would send a smile my way but I never said a word
I never knew what to say
One lucky day she said hi to me with a smile
I stared at her in silence as my heart beat for miles
She said "I want to tell you something I think you should know. I know you like me and you do let it show. Don't be embarrassed, nervous, or have fear. Come on take my hand let's get out of here."
So I did and we left school to hit the town didn't have any money so we just hung around
So many emotions I didnt know how much I could take
At the end of the day she said 'this was such a great date."
"This was a date I had no idea" I thought in my head I couldn't have known I mean she never said
She kissed my cheek and gave me a hug
I could feel the butterflies starting to come my hands shook as I touched her back
I was still nervous and sadly she knew that so we said our goodbyes
And walked our separate ways
Her love that day had me in a daze
Day after day we we're together but I was way to afraid to give her a kiss
But this one day it was a chance I couldn't miss
One night while I was alsleep snuck in my house right through my window as quiet as a mouse
She saw me asleep and layer next to me getting in my bed as quiet as can be
I woke up the next morning with her in my arms sleep I held her closer in my arms because my arms are where she wanted me to keepby this time she's awake and I act like I never woke but she must've known because out she spoke
"I know your awake, I saw your open eyes."
she got me so I went and open mine she looked at me with eyes so deep and a smile I couldn't miss
I leaned in holder her face and we hand our first kiss
Now let's move ahead to our wedding day I know yours is coming up soon i hope your days beautiful and sends her heart to the moon but my wedding had a twist you we're pretty young so I'll tell U what U missed
It was our wedding day and your mother was pregnant with you both of us standing at the alter saying "I do"
Finally together I was so stoked but next thing I knew your mothers water broke
We rushed her to the hospital in ten minutes flat we didn't even get any cake before that
They took her away and I was the only family member aloud in the room to watch your birth from your mothers womb
She took my hand and held it tight man she had a good grip even though my hands were sweaty from being nervous she wouldn't let them slip
Every time the doctor told her to push she would squeeze my hand tight by the sight of it
It seemed she was putting up one he'll of a fight
Three hours of pushing until you were born but your mother want doing to well out she was torn
She lost a lot of blood and she was too weak she slowly begin to fall into a deep sleep
her grip on my hand weakened but she kept her hand in mine to hold and as tears fell from my eyes they started to get bold
Before her last breathe she said to me
"Ill still be here, I'm just what U can't see."
My heart broke as I saw the life leave from her eyes I held her head in my chest and let out my cries
As I heard the machine hold one long beep the doctor rushed me out almost knocking me off my feet
In my face they they slammed the door "I have to tell everyone what happened" I thought so I headed to the ground floor
They saw my tears and wondered what happened but just to think I was deeply saddened
"Its a boy!" I said tears still running down my face
"But that's not why I'm crying"
I tried to clear my throat and talk with grace
"Its rose, the doctors said her body was ready, but must've been lied. Rose gave birth to a beautiful babe boy and..died..."
Your mother gave her life for you son on our wedding day this is what had been done
But it was all for you for your wedding to be and in a week your mother will be so happy because it's going to be your special day
If she was was here I bet she would say
"Look at my boy, he's all grown up. Feels like yesterday you we're drinking out of sippy cups."
I know you wanted to know her and be here but she gave it because losing you is what she feared
So don't be sad be happy for her and for yourself smile make us proud by marrying the girl that makes your heart beat for miles
Don't worry about me I'm not going to cry it's been 28 years since that day has gone by and yes, I too wish she didn't have to die..

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