sleepless surprise

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On Saturday morning my friends and I went bike riding. I'm the only one who owns a bike, so I friends borrows there's from the local church down the street. We ride around all day and then it starts to get dark so we take them back and then Everything... Changes..
I wake the next morning to police officers in my face screaming and yelling. Scared I jump up and yelling looking around confused. The carry me to the cop car and we drive somewhere. Weird enough, they didn't cuff me. When we got to where we needed to be, it just so happened to be the church. The glass in the church as been broken out. When the bring me over o see what it's been smashed in with. My beautiful red bike. Scratched off most of the paint.
The officer looks and me and starts to talk. "So do u want to explain what happened here or should I? " me being confused I have no clue what happened." I don't know what happened officer I wouldn't and didn't do this." My friend Erik gets the news and shows up "hey what's going on? " the cop. Explains to both of us that some time last night, someone, who they think is me, took my bike and smashed it into the church window. After a long discussion and the cop calling my mom to confirm I never left the house,  they let me go with Erik. We both walk back to his place, thinking what they hell could've happen. Then his phone goes off. He look to see who it is and it our other friend we road bikes with.  Her names Alexis. Now I know it doesn't sound weird but.. Alexis doesn't call. she's not really a call person when it comes to me and Erik.
He answers quick seeing we could all be in some trouble. I mean how else would anyone know I just got a new bike unless they watched us ride bikes right? Or.. Did someone we know who we rode with so this. It was only me,Erik, Alexis and some other person I could never see..
Anyways Erik answers and puts it on speaker. "Alexis? "
She answers in a chilled and over relaxed tone like she's on drugs. "Hey Erik, what's up? " Erik being nervous gulps and starts again. "Hey.. Um what are u doing? " she giggles and replies back. "Nothing really hanging with my new friends. Hey give me back the phone! " it hangs up. Before Erik and I can get anything out, Erik phone vibrates. It's a text from Alexis. "Well read what it says man. " I say impatiently. Erik, nervous and probably scared right now like me, opens the text and reads "sorry about the glass. Give me keys I'll fix it? What the hell is she talking about? "
"She didn't send it remember?  Someone took her phone right before it hung up. " we start to scratch our heads about it. "Is she hanging with the guys who tried to set me up? " I say with an unclear throat.  "Has to be what other glass you hear about being broken out today? " we both grow silent. For those few silent seconds we were calm until..
(Phone jingle goes off) "E-Erik? " he stands there in silence as his phone rings. Too afraid to answer it, he throws it over to me. "Shit.. " I say as I start to answer it. 
When I answer it was Alexis but.. The atmosphere was completely dark. When she answered I can hear the after cry hiccups and pants for air like she's trying to stop but before I can say a work I notice with her sadness there this slow creepy circus music playing behind her voice. Erik freaking the fuck out next to me so I finally start to speak. "Alexis what's going on? " she's shocked to here me seeing as this is Erik's phone. "Eric? " she replies as I correct her "no it's trayshon" erik can't control himself in the back "IM HERE TOO WHAT THE HELLS GOING ON!? " I shush him and try to listen to Alexis. There was still the hiccups and small pants but now heavy breathing I can hear every so slightly. "Alexis I'm gonna need you to calm down breathing hard like that,you'll give yourself a panic attack. " I say shaking move then normal since Erik's got my arm that's holding the phone out. He grips tighter hearing Alexis's reply "I'm not breathing hard. I'm trying to stop crying. " I stare at the phone "shat do u mean I can hear u breathing heavy into the phone. " Erik's clenching his teeth together and he gives the most worried look. "I told u I'm not breathing heavy I'm ju- AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" alexis gives the most agonizing screamn in ever heard. Erik and I scream her name right before the phone hangs up once more...

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