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Take me back to the day I could breath
Please give me back my lungs
Because it's hard to sing along to the song that life has sung
Its to high pitch and the sound makes my ears bleed
These notes have been ingraved in my  heart since I was dropped as a seed
Now I'm an emotional vessel, empty with a gental breeze
Playing that tone keeping me a hold, my soul to freeze
Bouncing against my skull at the speed of sound
Thismy friends, is what society would like to call "just feeling down"
My depression, my anxiety, my stresses, my song
Is something so many others can sing along
Though every word my not be the same
We all have the same beast to tame
I've been feeling pain just to hold on
There's so many points to these blade I just want to be done
As the blood run down my back from the stabs of life
I grit my teeth and keep carrying my world blinded by a sunful glare of the Reaper's scythe
I drag these ankle weights that make me trip and stumble
I can feel the ground beneath me begin to crumble
My brain racking over the stress while my heart takes depressions blows
But I keep my eyes straight because society tells me that's just how life goes..

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