HungerSide Widow

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Sleeping one night everything was quiet and calm. The owl was silent this night and so was the wind. I lived in a cabin just on the outside of town in what I wouldn't call the woods but it's in the title. "HungerSide Woods" plain as day on the old crusty wooden sign. I live out here alone because of this stupid story that's been going around. Something about the willow in the these woods. She's a long forgotten woman who lived in these woods before me. This was years ago and this is a totally different house so no worries here.
Though this night was calm and delightful, I couldn't help but to he the complete opposite. The bed was as soft as a swan's feather and as warm as a bear's coat yet I could sleep. I tossed and turned in the lovely bed that night. It was so perfect yet I couldn't since what was making me so out of wack. Then I hear it.
I can hear a gentle and ever so light scratching noise. Since I couldn't sleep I thought maybe checking this out with calm me or maybe the walk will make me tired somehow. So I followed the noise as quiet as I could so I can find where it's coming from. It was the storage room window across the cabin. A tree branch crapped against it making the sound I heard in bed. I open the window, snap the branch so it can't reach the window, and starts to head off back to my room.
I was only three steps in when the lights went out. Yes I have electricity in the woods. It was dark but I could just make out everything around me. Opening the window of the storage room must've let in fog from outside because once the lights went out my house was full out it. I could see but it was odd. The closer I got to my room the thicker it got. Once in my room i coule see the darken fog seeping from my use to be closed window. As I look for my bed in the 68 year old smoker's lung with nothing but the night's quarter from the window to guide my way.
Instead of the bed, I end up at the closet. Reaching for my bed in the mist, I feel the soft skin of a woman's hand. I pull back fast, but she grips my wrist. No matter how hard I pulled I couldn't get loose. After trying to get free numerous of times, the mist started to clear from around her and I could see what I thought I'd never see before in my life.
It was the hillside widow standing in front of me and hold my wrist.
Her skin was cold as polar ice but her beauty was greater then any model I've ever seen. Her nails were normally short but sharp as a sharpened razor. She draws them inti my wrist and slice them down my hand. I flinch and the pain pulling my arm back. I run for the door thinking I had to try and escape but she forces the door shut with a thrust of her hand from across the room. I try to open the door while looking back at her. She smiled at me like I was someone she cared dear for and started to fade into the smog. Once shes gone, the mist thickens and fills the room quick. I try to get the door open but it still wouldn't work. Breathing in the thick fog, I pasted out falling onto the cold wooden floor.
When I wake, I get up slowly with the feeling someone running around my brain making my brain spin hitting it with a hammer while running. I tried the door again and it worked! I rushed out the door. I make it to the "HungerSide Woods" and look back to see if I being followed. Nothing was there but when I turned back... She was there. When I go to scream, I wake for real this time.
I open my eyes slowly with a massive headache. Confused and scared I look around to notice I'm no longer in my cabin. Blood stains covered the floor and jars of various parts of humans jiggled around like they were all lava lamps. It was so repulsive I threw up, but when I did I notice my vomit went up instead of down. Getting on my face some, I look up to see I'm on a huge wheel. It's not covered in blood but its polka dotted. Freaking out, I start untieing myself from the wheel before the widow gets back.
Spoke too soon.. She appears right as I finish untieing one ankle. I completely freeze and stare at her dead in the eyes as she start to stare back. We stay like this for some time before she smiled and creeped my way. I stay still keeping my eyes on her. Once she's in front of me she notices my free ankle and her smile disappears. She puts a death grip on my ankle and slam it against the wheel where it once was. Scared out of mind I start to breathe heavy. Then a thought pops into my head. "Why didn't she tie down my hands? If she knew I would try and escape why not tie my hands down so I couldn't get free?" I keep dwelling on this thought. Then it hits me. "Maybe she wanted me to get away. Maybe she expected me to untie myself. Maybe she's not mad I was untieing myself, but angery i didn't esca-" right before I can finish my thought I feel a sharp pain in my leg down near my ankle. I look to see a sharp shadow like blade stuck in my leg. I scream loud over the Widow's laughter. Breathing heavier, I watch as she disappear again.
Once she's gone I stare at the blade trying to keep myself together. My thoughts begin to flourish once more, "what the hell is this thing. Whatever it is, it hurts like hell. If I want to get out of here I'm gonna have to pull this son-of-a-bitch out. " I reach getting one hand onto it. I slow my breathing into deep breaths. I give one last one as I Yank the weird blade. It started to come out, but it felt like someone was pulling it back in. Feeling like I'm playing tug-of-war with my leg, I take a quick break. "Shit! It's like she put glue on the egde on the blade before stabbing it into my leg." After gathering my thoughts, I pull once more. The blade still pulls against me, but using my free hand to pull my arm I get it out with a short yet loud yell. After getting the blade out, I examine it. It looks like someones arm bone that was broken down and sharpened into a blade. Remembering I'm still one leg free, I quickly cut myself down falling onto my back. Stun for a second, i slowly get up rubbing my newly sore back. As I stand, I fall down to my knees. The huge pressure from my body weight was too much for my leg wound. I sit holding my wound as it bleeds and throbs harshly. Quickly thinking, I pull off my shirt and wrap it around my hurt leg. Then grabs the rope that I was tied with and tie it on my shirt to keep it in place.
I try standing again. It was hard but I manage to get myself up and going. Seeing the door across the room, I head straight for it slow, but as fast as my leg will allow me to go. When I open the door, it's a long hall with light at the end of it. The hall was very dark and creepy. I take one step and there's a squishy weird feeling texture under my feet. I cringe at the touch and sound but I keep moving to get out.
Getting closer and closer to the exit, I hear the laugh of the widow from the room I left. I hear it get closer and closer. I try and speed up but my ankle gives out on my and I fall. Hearing her voice almost directly behind me, I stay still. I'm hoping she cant see me as dark as it is in this hall. Face down in whatever this squishy substance, she stops right where I am and everything gets quiet. I can't see here but I cant feel her presence. I can feel her soft breathe on my neck. I take as lil as a breath I can be trying not to scream. As I lay there, I see the light at the end of the hall getting dimmer. "I have to make a break for it or I'll be stuck in this hell hole forever." Coming back from my thoughts I push her off and make a break for it. I run as fast as my ankle will go. I get to the light it's right in from of me, but then I feel something on my ankle and it's not pain. I look down only to he swept off my feet flat on my face. I yell in pain as her death grip pulls me to her.
She turns me over and I'm force to stare at her. Her hair was black and nappy, her lips were as red as the blood soaking my socks, eyes were as white as a sheep's behind, and her teeth were surprisingly clean and sharp as a shiv. She climbs on top of me while she smiles. It's such a crooked yet joyful smile. She stares smiling as she licks her teeth. She snaps at my face for a bite. Right before she can get to my flesh, I quickdraw the blade from earlier saying "I believe this belongs to you! " I shove that blade right between the eyes, pushing her off me.
She rolls around screaming in a high pitch frequency so I cover my eyes and run for the exit. As I enter it everything goes white. I can't see a thing. When I can see again, I'm awaking in my bed. I jump looking around. Seeing that I'm home I get up to check the house. When I stand I feel no pain. I look at my ankle and nothings wrong. I check my house everythings fine.
I lay back in bed rubbing my head "it was all a crazy dream. " I say as I take a deep breath. I yawn stretching and lay my head back feeling relieved. Then it hits me. I open my eyes quick. "Is she waiting for me when I go to sleep? Will it be a continuing thing where every time I try to sleep she hunts? Do I.. Dare to sleep... "

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