Soured Note

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"Wha.. Where I'm I? " I look around everything is dark like I fell deep into an abyss. "What the hell? " getting up, I start walking through the darkness hoping to find my friend. Her name is Max. We were checking out and old "haunted house". Together we walked in and got lost? "Why can't I remember?! " I hold my head. The more I try to remember, the more I feel a sharp pain in my mind. So I pry the blade out  by giving up for now. 
After walking for who knows how long, I hear a faint voice. "Max! " I call out then listen for a reply "trapped.. " I hear the faintest whisper "m-max? " the voice becomes louder and closer but I'm not sure it's Max anymore. "trapped.. Trapped... Trapped.. TRAPPED!!! " I look to see a huge figure running at me. I believe it was a woman because her chest was far out and hung low like breast, Her whole body was covered in a black like tar, her lips were black like charcoal and teeth sharp like razers, she had a crook in her neck as if her head was too heavy to hold, her hair was grey as if she was an old lady of her late 80's, and her eye color was black but her pupil was blood red as well as her nails They had a glow to them like hot lava and a scream that made all my hairs stand straight up. 
Once I noticed it wasn't max, I ran as hard as I could. 
Running aimlessly,  a door appeared in my sights as I stumbled through the darkness. Sadly I didn't question it and I ran right in. Ill never be able to unsee the sight of such a room. It looking. There were stuffed animals around the room, a tea set on a small childlike table, child size princess bed, and a dresser with a huge mirror on it.

The mirror drew my attention first seeing there was writing on it. "What is this place? It looks nothing like the darkness out there." I then read what the words smeared on the glass with cherry red lipstick. "Love Mommy" I ran those two words through my mind for some time before check the rest of the room. The dresser was the next thing I checked. I pulled out every drawer to only find the same dress. A bright yellow dress with a ruffled bottom. " whoever stays here doesn't like variety." I say to  myself closing the last drawer. Seeing there was nothing special about the toys and stuffed animals, there was only the bed. As I walked closer, I could feel my energy slowly fade. I step back quickly taking deep breathes shaking my head. "come on me, you got this. Just a quick look and back!" I breathe in one last time then race toward the bed. "W-what?" I stare down at the bed shook at the sight.

"Max?! what the hell are u.." stopping in my tracks as I overlook max's resting body "shes wearing the same yellow dress as in the dresser!" I reach for her feeling my body begin to shut down. I stop myself barley getting out of that "aura" conscious. "Shit! I cant get her at this rate"

Trying to think of a plan, I hear a noise. "Alice...Alice..Alice.." i faintly hear from the door getting louder and closer. "ah! gotta hide." I look around but the rooms pretty small. Hearing that thing getting closer, I panic and race under the small table. Lucky enough for me, I just barley fix. I try to control my breathing as I hear the door slowly creek open. Under the table, I can only see a little above the monster's feet. They were boney with nails that scrap the floor a bit with every step. "Alice..Alice.. my beautiful daughter," she spoke as she stood in front of the bedside. " she, thinks that Max is some girl name Alice?" I mumble to myself as I continue to listen close as she speaks. 

"I've missed you my darling. I missed your soft skin and rosy cheeks. Ah.. I've missed you so-" She whips his head around like crazy. "What the hell is she doing?" she looks around. N-no! You cant have her! I wont let you! Not again!" She holds her head shaking it as she screaming babble to herself. Then she stops. She stands there with a smile like all is right in her head. 

Her smile crept from one side of her face to the other. It was misshaped on her face of that of a cartoon character. Her eyes were bold and wide like shes was watching something horrid. " a good girl..mommy will be right back...." she says as she slowly creeps for the door. As soon as she out the door, I dart for max. I examine her once more before that "aura" could hurt me and I notice a pendant around her neck tucked away into her chest of her dress. I race back panting hard. "Damn it! I cant stay close enough to wake her. I guess I have no other choice.." I turn my head looking at the door. 

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