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Tears ran down my face and I couldn't think straight anymore. I kept staring at the wounds in the bodies of my beloved girls. Tentatively I stepped over and fell to my knees. I cradled Charlotte in my arms and felt the last warmth drain from her body. The silence was just broken by my own sobs and breathing. Every breath I took hurt more than the last. Now and then a scream would escape my mouth. I grabbed Angela's hand. It was just as cold as Charlotte's.

I just sat like that. I couldn't move. The pain was too much to bear. Grief was the only emotion I had left. It was dark around. The electricity had gone down some when. I hadn't even realized when it did. I didn't realize anything. Not that my back started hurting long ago from the uncomfortable position I kept holding Charlotte and Angela, not that my head ached horrible from the long night awake and crying and screaming.

As the sun started to rise and a few rays started to light up the room slowly my thoughts cleared up just as much as they needed to, to allow another emotion. Fury. It was cold and hot at the same time, overwhelming. I was furious. Red John had taken my life, indirectly though, but he had somehow. He had killed me without doing me physical harm. And he would pay for it.

He would pay for destroying my life in a single moment, or just how long it had taken him. He would pay for harming an innocent child, an innocent, sweet, beautiful, little girl. He would pay for harming this child's mother, her caring, selfless, wonderful mother. He would pay for taking away these two women, my family, my everything.

He had taken everything I had ever lived for. I wanted revenge. I needed revenge. I would get revenge.

As the sun rose higher I locked away my feelings. Every love I ever had given was murdered. I didn't need to contain anything like joy, happiness or love. I needed nothing, but fury, wishing for revenge. And reminding me of this in eternal time would do my grief.

My tears dried up. And as they did another thought crossed my mind. I remembered the piece of paper on the door. I had insulted Red John. He was self-loving, egoistic and he couldn't stand being insulted the way I had done to him. I had known that before. I had intended to force him making a move. A sudden realization washed trough my mind.

I had forced him to make a move. And he indeed had. But he hadn't like I wanted to, not made a mistake that would give a lead on who he was. But he had taken revenge on his own, and doing so by punishing me. And for this he chose the hardest punishment you could possibly think of.

He chose to make it my fault that he took my family's lifes.


Hey guys ^^

I hope you won't get too bored by already four chapters without somebody else but Patrick. But I just love how his feelings and emotions turn out in the story. And it's quite essential, soo... I myself really love this story ^^

Yeah, hopefully you do too, so maybe just leave your opinion or a vote :)

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