[42] Offer Rejected

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Although the initial fire had left his eyes, setting them back to a skyish blue, Karolinna could still feel the hostility radiating off Villahr when she touched his arm; like meat steaming in the heat on the sidewalk when she would go out for a smoke, bringing scraps from the kitchen with her to feed to Nightcap.

The natural warmth of her fingers remained less intense, as she wasn’t fuelled by lingering rage, and although the difference was hard to detect, it still felt a lot like it would to touch a scalding furnace. She had coaxed Villahr into a seated position at least sue he couldn’t bolt towards Denaii as easily. 

The vampire had now moved away from the window at the closest opportunity he got, to stand more in the darkness cast from the other two windows, their thick black curtaining still blocking them and the sunlight from the room. He was fidgeting something fierce, pushing off from the wall repeatedly before falling back against it again and again. Biting on his lower lip, he tried to distract himself from the brewing in his core, and in doing so he hadn’t really noticed he had nearly bit through his lower lip until the unpleasant tang of his own blood assaulted his taste buds. However, as soon as the skin had healed over again he was right back at it with razor sharp teeth.

The blonde’s eyes fell to his darkly clocked thighs when she noticed he was also shaking, as if he were an addict jonesing for his next fix; going into withdrawal. In a sense he kind of was.

“He’s never jumped me before, Lahr. Just look at him. Have you ever seen him act like this?”

Denaii was only half listening. It felt like there was a battle going on in his stomach, or like someone had lit a fire there and let it run rampant, torching everything in its bath until someone came along with a fire house and damp blankets to put it out.

His throat burned something fierce and it was getting to the point where not only could he see the veins undulating beneath the others skin, he could hear the blood moving as well. Though Vicio hearts didn’t run like humans, not needing to pump as fast to circulate the vitality through them; in reality their systems moved at snails pace, slow and steady. In the vampire’s ears, it sound like rapidly moving water. The loud crashes of the waves colliding with rock signifying his hunger making itself known not just through physical symptoms but mental ones as well.

Denaii closed his eyes and began to breathe, the jolt of his heart starting like an old barely used engine, star led him a bit.

“It’s not his fault. He’s starving.”

Karolinna exclaimed, getting to her feet. Villahr’s blue orbs were on the vampire, watching as he went through the motions of breathing. It was laboured and choppy, and it was probably because he wasn’t used to the action, his whole body was trembling, and he hadn’t the need to do this for quite some time and he was out of practice as to just how it was one was to do this.

“You’re defending him?” questioned Villahr, raising an eyebrow. His voice was rough and much deeper than it usually was, which tended to happen when he was perturbed.

“I am,” came the falena’s response. Denaii stopped his breathing, which was starting to remind Karolinna of a woman in lamaze, and she had to stifle her laughter.

“My deepest apologies, Karolinna. I couldn’t…” he began, but changed his mind mid-sentence because honestly, he could have stopped himself with the right balance of control. Control which he did not yet possess, but he supposed he could have tried harder. 

“It just happened.” That part was true. When she had opened that door, it felt like he had been transported within milliseconds. One minute he was crouched in the blackness, and the next he was straddling her torso, fangs bared. “My desire took over,” he said, before muttering another apology.

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