[43] Cast Out

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“Fresh?” Karolinna repeated the word carefully as if she were too quick to speak it it might just nick her tongue on the way out. She should have known that that would be the case, but her focus had been entirely on retrieving Denaii sustenance, not necessarily the quality of it when she go it. She wasn’t sure how much he had actually swallowed but it certainly wouldn’t be enough to last him before he would surely have another episode; nor to keep him going without attacking a mortal every three steps. The visual was honestly a pleasant one compared to that of guzzling a small animal.

Denaii nodded his head in agreement and slide his tongue over his uppermost teeth as if polishing away grime, and he grimaced when remnants of the foul liquid he had drank —attempted to— attacked his taste buds once more. It didn’t bring about another round of sickness, thankfully, but it was still none too pleasant a flavour in his mouth.

When Villahr looked to Karolinna he wasn’t entirely surprised to see that she held some manner of concern in her expression, in the way she looked at the vampire. It would have totally bowled him over were this a month or so previous, but in this moment, how she watched him, it was obvious she had far passed loathing. Villahr certainly didn’t like the direction her feelings were going either.

Karolinna stopped twirling a silver ring of snake-skin, twisted metal around her finger and hugged her arm to her chest, a firm grip on the wrist of the hand curved against her body. Her nails scratched the surface of her skin but did not draw blood, just left faint lines. She looked as though she were contemplating something, which made Villahr start to feel anxious; having a pretty good idea what it was she was thinking.

“Absolutely not!” he said out loud. He had meant only to think it, because hearing the words he knew would drive Karolinna to her decision even faster, purely out of spite probably, but the words slipped out of his mouth before he could catch himself and he didn’t even bother to try for he knew it would be a lost cause; like wet soap flying out of one’s hands and after a few grasps for it, giving up in realization that it would sooner clunked to the bottom of the tiled shower than find purchase back into grasp again.

Karolinna’s mouth was pressed shut. She said nothing. She didn’t even give Villahr one of her infamous ‘fuck you’ glares. Extending her arm again from her chest, spreading it out in front of her, still holding, more loosely this time, at her wrist, she allowed her thumbnail to to lightly trace the vein which was even more prominent with the way her fingers were almost making a fist. Tightening them the vein popped out even further, and it was impossible to miss the way Denaii’s eyes practically popped out of his head when she did this.

The blonde braved herself for the pain as she went to push her digit into the flesh and mary it, but it never came because before she could Villahr had tightly grabbed at her forearm. She had closed her eyes but they shot open at his touch and she stared at him wordlessly. He let out a heavy sigh, and when his chest rose and then dropped again the sight of it not rising again immediately afterwards almost looked a little odd to her. She cursed that fact because it meant she was spending entirely too much time around the humans at group session.

“I’ll do it,” he said lowly, and it was obvious he was very reluctant and against the idea. The vampire’s whole stomach seemed to quake in his body, like an excitable dog waiting for it’s treat, knowing it would only be a short while before he would get it as he watched his owner shake the bag in front of him.

Without even the slightest pause Villahr stepped forward, not meaning to push Karolinna back so hard that she stumbled, but he did, and then brought his own wrist to his mouth. He bit down where the vein was most engorged, as if biting into a juicy apple. The pain didn’t bother him all that much, he’d cut his flesh countless times before to release the fluid inside, it was the fact that he was seriously about to offer that which he would much rather see washed down the drain and discarded, as aid to a starving vampire.

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