chapter- 4

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Few days passed like this. The newly married couple were so lost in their romance . Manik was very romantic kind of guy. Anita felt blessed to get manik as her husband as he was very caring and never failed to fulfill all her wishes even before she opened her mouth.
They went for their honeymoon to Paris and had a nice romantic time there. They got to know a lot about each other. They were out and out a perfect couple. On returning , anita brought a lot of stuff for her little sisters Pia and Nandini.
The two sisters teased anita a lot about her Paris trip. But they were very happy for their Anu Di.

One day after dropping Anita at her house, Manik went to office as he had an urgent meeting. After the meeting got over, he was sitting in the cabin to finish some important work. He got a call from Anita asking him when he would be coming home as he had promised to take lunch at Murthys.
A smile appeared on Manik's face on seeing Anita's name on his mobile screen. He picked the call and Anita asked him to pick nandini from her college while coming. He said that he will be reaching in 15 min and hung up the call.
He reached Nandu's college in 5 min as it was near to his office. He enquired about Nandini and someone said that she was in the library. He reached there and the sight in front of him was enough to boil his blood.
He saw that a few boys were trying to force themselves upon her. He shouted on top on his voice.
On hearing his voice the boys loosened their grip on her. Taking the chance Nandini pushed them and ran towards Manik and hid behind her.
Manik gave her his coat and asked her to wait outside. After she left, he beat the shit out of those boys and handed them to cops . He talked to the principal and made sure they got suspended.
He came to Nandini and was about to say something, suddenly Nandini hugged him tightly and started sobbing. He consoled her by caressing her hair and assured that everything will be fine. She broke the hug still sobbing and looked down.
Manik lifted her chin with his index finger and wiped her tears and said that she doesn't need to be scared as the bad phase is over and such thing won't happen again.
She smiled slightly and thanked him for saving her.
He took her to a nearby store and bought her a dress and asked her to change as her dress was torn at her shoulders.
He asked her not to discuss the library incident with anyone and that he will handle the matter in his way.
She nodded in yes and they drove to murthy Mansion.
Manik made a mental note to talk it out with Anita before sharing it with Padma(Nandini's mother).

They reached home , had their lunch. Nandini was silent all this while. After lunch she excused herself and went to her room after looking at Manik once.

Anita observed Nandu's silence and thought to ask Manik about it as till morning she was OK then what had happened to her all of a sudden.

In the meantime, nandu closed her door and cried her heart out. Though Manik had assured that such thing won't happen again but she was still scared and decided that she won't go to college from now on. Thinking of all this she drifted to sleep.

Done with another update.
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