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After a period of 9 months,

In the hospital-

Anita was in the labor room and Manik and his family were anxiously waiting outside.

Padma along with Pia and Nandini were also present.

(Nandini had come from Shimla a month back to stay with Anita till she delivers the baby)

After sometime the doctor came out and said that Anita has given birth to twins- a boy and a girl.

Manik's happiness knew no bounds. Everyone was so excited and happy hearing this.

Manik immediately rushed in the room and saw Anita smiling at her babies.

He went and hugged her .

Anita felt really happy seeing Manik's excitement.
He told her that she has given him the most precious gift in the form of their kids.

He took both his babies in his arms very cautiously and felt content.

That feeling of being a father was beyond any description.

The rest of them entered the room and took the babies in their arms one by one.

Cabir and Navya also joined them .

Cabir teased Manik that to save time he has done double hard work to become father to twins.

Manik hit him playfully and cabir faked an "Ouch".

Everyone laughed on hearing this whereas Anita hid her face feeling shy.

After few days they took Anita home .

The babies were getting Royal treatment from Manik.

He was being extra cautious with handling them.

He didn't allow anyone to touch the babies without taking precautions like making them wash hands , and telling them the ways of handling kids etc etc.

Few days passed by and Nandini had to return to Shimla as her exams were nearing.

The babies were now one month old.

Anita got a call from her best friend who told her that she was getting married and invited Anita to attend her wedding.

Anita didn't want to go as her babies were still small . Neither she can take them with her nor leave them here and go.

Nyonika understood her dilemma and asked her to go and said that she will handle the babies.

Nyonika felt that since marriage Anita was always busy in her married life and didn't get any time for herself and her friends.

Anita agreed and asked Manik for permission and he happily agreed.

She went to her friends wedding which was to be held in Manali after 2 days.

Anita attended the wedding and was about to return when there was an announcement from the weather forecast department that the weather was not good till the next day and travelling is not advisable.

Anita's friend asked her to stay back for one more day and leave the next day.

But Anita was getting very restless to see her family especially her kids.

So without paying attention to her friends requests she set out by driving herself.

Due to the bad weather the roads were slippery and Anita lost control over the car and it fell off the cliff.

Meanwhile at Malhotra Mansion , the babies were crying a lot for their mother. Manik and Nyonika got worried as Anita wasn't picking up their calls.

They called her friend and she told them that Anita had left a long time back. By now she must have reached there.

They wondered how Anita could be so careless.

Little did they know what fate Anita had meet.

Done with another update.

I have rushed things up in this update as I wanted to end it soon.

Hope you guys like it.

Please comment your views regarding this.

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