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Manik searched for Anita everywhere but couldn't find her .

They took the help of police but got the same result.

Some of the people who had seen a car falling off the cliff informed the police about it.
The car's description matched with that of Anita's car.

On the basis of this the police searched all the surrounding areas but couldn't find Anita or the car.
So they presumed Anita to be dead.

But Manik , his family and Anita's family didn't agree to this.

They searched a lot on their own. They left no stone unturned but of no avail.

Everyone shattered with the news of Anita.

One of the most important part of their life was lost.

They felt dejected .

The babies used to cry a lot for their mother but their mother was nowhere to be found.

Manik cut himself from the world . He used to stay away from everyone. He seldom used to come home.

Padma took the babies with her so that she could take care of them properly.

Nyonika also didn't object as Padma had lost her daughter and she was not in a state to understand anything.

Manik used to visit his babies once in a while.

He wanted the babies to be with him. But Padma was depressed so he didn't object.

Three years passed by.

Nandini had finished her studies and returned home.

She used to take care of the kids as they were very comfortable with her.

The kids were inseperable from Nandini.

They used to call her Mumma as she had a lot of resemblance to Anita.

She too didn't object as they were still small and didn't have enough understanding of things.

One day Manik came to meet his kids when Nandini was playing with them.

He hadn't seen Nandini in all these years.
He was seeing her for the first time after so many years.

She had changed.

The old innocent Nandini was replaced by a pretty and beautiful Nandini.

She was looking exactly like Anita.

Manik kept looking at her for a long time.

Suddenly his trance was broken by his daughter(Khushi).

Khushi came running to him and hopped into his arms.

Khushi told him in her childish tone how much she had missed him.

Even his son(Aarav) rushed to him and both of them were talking with their father.

While talking they referred Nandini as Mumma.

Manik was surprised to hear this but he realized that may be because of her resemblance to their mother they are saying this.

While talking to them he kept stealing glances of Nandini who was arranging the kids room.

Meanwhile Pia came and informed MANIK that Padma is waiting for them at the dinner table .

They both reached the table with the kids following them and had dinner.

Manik told Padma that now that the kids have grown up he wants them to be with him.

Padma hesitatingly agreed as Manik was their father and he had all rights on them.

Manik was not staying at Malhotra's. For the past three years he was staying in another bungalow.

Padma asked him how he will take care of the kids all alone and asked him to shift back to Malhotra Mansion.

But he didn't agree. He said that he will manage somehow.

Padma agreed to this.
Manik thanked her and left with the kids to meet Nyonika.

The kids were excited to meet their Dadu and Dadi.

Nyonika and Raj were very happy on seeing Khushi and Aarav.

They played with the kids for sometime when Manik told them about his decision to take the kids with him to his bungalow.

His parents agreed as they didn't want to keep him away from his kids.

Done with another chapter.

Hope you guys like it.

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