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As we got out of the car, Hannah and Michaela immediately ran inside leave the rest of use to follow them.

"Excuse me, can you please tell me where Brooklyn Carson is?" I asked the receptionist. She nodded and looked back to at the computer screen.

"Miss Carson is currently in surgery but you can wait right there and we'll inform you later on when they're finished." I nodded and lead the other by the chairs. I'm sitting here praying that she's alright. I never mean to say any of those word to her. She helped me get a girlfriend that I didn't want and that's probably why I'm upset. Arzaylea is beautiful and she's funny, she reminds of off Brooklyn. But Brooklyn is Brooklyn. She never changed. She's still the same person I left a year ago and I'm regretting ever leaving. I'm starting to regret the band because it's the reason I left in the first place.

I'm in a state of shock. No one knows what has happened to her. Her being in surgery worries me even more. She could've actually tried to drown herself.

I tapped my foot agains the ground impatiently.

"Michaela, Hannah." A tall brunette boy said, opening his arms for the girls. His eyes we're bloodshot and he looked tired. Michaela and Hannah ran into his arms giving him a hug.

"What happened to her?" Hannah asked pulling away.

"She a- sh-she, she got hit by a car." He stuttered. "The d-doctors said it was a really bad accident because her lungs nearly collapsed."

"Oh my God." Calum said, standing up from his seat. Hannah began crying so he pulled her into his embrace.

"She has a couple of broken bones, including her ribs and a couple of cuts and bruises all over her body." He said. Michael stood up and gave him a hug as well. "Nice to see again Brandon." Michael said. They began talking in the corner of the room and Calum was still trying keep Hannah calm as she was asthmatic. Ashton was on the phone to Brooklyn's parents explaining what has happened and I am sat here not really knowing what to do.

"Okay, we'll see you in a bit then, bye." Ashton said before placing his phone back to his pocket. He looked at me and gave me a small smile. He walked over and say next to me.

"She's gonna be fine, she's a fighter." Ashton said, patting me back. " I really fucked up." Was all I said before I felt the tears ran down my face.

"Hey, she's gonna okay. You didn't do this to her." He said. Even though I was just told that It's wasn't my fault, I know that it is. Hannah was right, if I hadn't said any off those words to her, maybe she's be in her bedroom sleeping. She's be safe. But she isn't and all we could do is wait and hope that she'll be fine.


3:45 a.m.

I have been walking back and forth, waiting for the doctors to tell us something. It's been hours and they should've been done. Hannah has fallen asleep in Calum's lap and Michaela has fallen asleep next to Brandon.

Michael and Ashton went to the cafeteria and bought some coffee for us. I probably looked dead but I don't really give a shit.

"Where is she?!" A man shouted, walking through the door. Michaela and Hannah immediately woke up and looked at the man and woman. Her parents.

"Randy!" Michaela shouted. He looked at us and they walked towards them, pulling them into a hug.

"Where's Brooklyn?" Brooklyn's mum asked Hannah. "We think she's still in surgery but it's been hours." She said. She voice was beginning to break but she still managed to speak.

"She was hit by a car and she's badly injured." Michael said to her parents.
Michaela and Hannah sat down with Brooklyn's mother, explaining to her what Brandon told us. Meanwhile, Brooklyn's dad approached me. He's no way near me but I'm already sweating.

"Luke, are you alright?" He asked. I nodded, not able to form any words.
"I've heard that you've said somethings to my daughter before this accident. I'm not gonna lie, I want to hurt you. But I can't." He said.

"Why not? I wouldn't blame you if you did." I said. He placed his hand on my shoulder and look at me.

"She loves you. I promised her to not hurt you even though I have a very strong urge to. She doesn't want you hurt." He said.

"I fucked up so bad." My voice was shaky and my vision was beginning to blur.

"Yeah you probably did. But you'll fix it." He said in a clam tone. I said thank you to him.

4:27 a.m.

"Excuse me, are you guys here for Brooklyn Carson?" A woman asked. Her father nodded and so did I. "Alright, well the surgery went well." She said. We all let out a sigh of relief.

"She is in a coma though but she is expected to wake up. She is able to breath on her own but we are still gonna have her on life support to make sure she's okay."

"What about her injuries?" Her mother asked.

"She has a broken leg and several broken ribs so we'll have to keep her here for a couple of weeks. She also has a couple of cuts but they have been stitched up." She said, smiling at her. A massive weight has been lifted off of my shoulders knowing that she is okay. Michael and Ashton has just got back now and are unaware of her state.

"Would you like to see her?" She asked.

"Yes." Her parents asked. She asked them to follow her and so they did. Randy turned around and looked at me.

"D'you want to see her?" He asked. I nodded and jogged over to where he was. We followed the doctor down the hall. I don't know what to expect. Due to her injuries, I'm scared to see her knowing she'll be practically lifeless.

We were lead into her room and my heart is pounding. "Oh my God." He mother whispered. I am so thankful that her father is blocking my view right now. But this is not gonna last long. As soon a her father moved aside, I saw her. She looked like she's in so much pain. She laid there, lifeless and peaceful.  I walked towards the side of her bed, taking her hand into mine intertwining our fingers.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I love you." I said, letting tear fall from my eyes.
"I wish I could take it all back. You mean so much to me and I need you. I don't want anyone else but you. I need you." I broke into tears and fell to my knees

"I wish I could take it all back." I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. "It's gonna be fine kid."

Do you know the feeling of seeing someone you love go through so much pain and you can't do anything to help them even though you want to do bad? That's how I feel right now. I want to take all of the pain away. I'd rather be in pain than see her like this.

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