Chapter Four- The Audition

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Kiersey's PoV

I was putting the finishing touches on my outfit getting ready to leave for the auditions when I felt warm lips touch my neck.

"Babe, are you sure you have to go, you could always stay here and we'd have a pratice session ourselves.", Jacob whispered.

"You know I'm tempted but I really have to go. But I love you."

I turned around and kissed his lips, grabbed my stuff, and headed out the door. It was a short drive to the studio but I turned on the radio and blasted Crooked Smile until I got there. When I did I stepped out and put my bag on the good so that I could put my stuff up. But I felt uncomfortable. I felt like someone was staring at me, it felt weird. I looked up and I saw the one, the only, Diggy Simmons.

"Excuse me but umm, why are you staring at me so hard,?" I said bluntly.

"My fault ma but you look so familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Nope my name is Sharelle Johnson "(my character this week).

"Oh well nice meeting you Sharelle, ummm see you later." And with that he and I walked off.

When I got inside I started my stretches and warm up routine. I'd taken dance over the last few weeks and I'd gotten really good. I was almost done when some girl tripped over my leg.

"Oww, damn."

I quickly got up and helped her up. When I looked at her face I noticed she was very pretty with caramel skin, deep dark eyes, long light brown hair, and a nose and a couple ear piercings.

"Hi. I'm sorry I'm such a cluts. My name is Shailee."

"Hi Shailee, I'm Sharelle."

We talked and warmed up together for at least another 30 minutes when Stevo called our attention.

"Attention ladies, we have something to say. Due to a change in plans Jacob Latimore will not be here today to judge you all, but(gco)-"

In swarms all the girls picked up their stuff and left. I was soo shocked I didn't know how to respond so I didn't. Instead I watched until only 3 girls were left. Me, Shailee, and some girl named Krisette. Stevo shook his head and then yelled to us. " Girls get ready to audition!"

I sighed as the doors swung from the rushing of the girls, and i turned to Shaillee and she did a thumbs up. "Wish me luck!"

I smiled and hugged her as she walked off into the audition hall, i took a seat on one of the chairs next to this Krisette girl, this gave me a chance to study her more closely, she was mixed and had wavy black hair up to her shoulders, green eyes and-

"Uh, is there a reason you're staring at me?" She said in more of a disgusted tone.

I clashed my eye brows together at her attitude. "Oh sorry i was jus-"

"Viewing the competition?" She kissed her teeth and folded her arms facing forwards. I raised my eye brows, i'm used to this kind of behaviour but it still annoys the crap out of me. "Uh, sorry there a problem?" I asked quite confused by the situation.

"Oh no, i just don't see why girl's like you...even try anymore, because i think it's quite obvious who has the better advantage of winning here." She smirked, but i didn't that amusing, it just got me more angry! 

"Ok look Ms. I.Think.I'm.Better.Than.Everyone.Else. I think you need a reality check because I don't know what your problem is because as soon as you saw me you saw me a threat, look nigga i'ma be real with you right now, I don't want trouble with you but if you insist me to beat the crap out of you, Pfft i'll do it!" I shrugged. 

Her jaw dropped open as she looked me up and down. "Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that?!?"

"Nigga i'm Sharelle Johnson, Sharelle MUTHAFUCKING Johnson if you have a damn problem about that, got get a diary." And with that i turned forward and crossed my arms, Her lips parted about to say something but stopped and huffed up and down.

The doors swung open and Shailee walked through she looked down but still had a smile across her face i stood up and turned to Kirsette. "Wish me luck!!" I smirked before turning around and i heard her scream a frustrated scream which only made me laugh more, i walked up to Shailee and my smile turned into a frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked knowing that she was upset behind the smile.

She sighed. "I didn't get through...but, they want you up next, break a leg." She smiled.

I hugged her and let go. "Thanks, see you around?" I asked raising my eye brow.

She nodded and we swapped numbers before i walked into the hall, i was immediately hit by bright lights and i almost tripped on the stage, hope they didn't see that. I walked up to the red X in the middle of the stage, and i felt my hands going behind my back, i was so nervous, i looked down at the judging table where Stevo, Kiloni and Dakota were sitting.

Stevo smiled. "So, what's your name?" 

"Sharelle Johnson." I replied with a smile into the mic, i put a lose strand of hair behind my ear as Kiloni wrote down some notes.

"I bet you were looking forward to Jacob being here?" Dakota laughed.

I shrugged. "I guess so, but i'm still glad to be seeing you guys." I smiled.

Kiloni smiled. "Thanks, so what are you gonna be dancing to today?"

"Uh, You come first, Jacob Latimore."

They nodded, as i looked up to the D.J and the song dropped , i repeated the moves i'd seen on the video and to the end i did my own moves. I was breathless when the song ended and a bit sweaty, i picked up my water bottle and drunk it as the judges spoke among them selves.

"Sharelle that was great!" Stevo said clasping his hands together as his elbows rested on the table. A smile curved my lips as i watched the other judges nodded.

"Thanks." I said into the mic. 

"No thank you for coming, well be seeing you in 2 weeks." Dakota smiled.

My eyes went big. "Wait, i got the part???"

They all nodded, My eyes went bigger. "Thank you soooo much." I squealed into mic. I skipped off the stage due to my joy i stopped when i saw Kirsette and i smirked. I was about to to tell her that it was over when a better idea came into my head.

"Good luck." I said trying to sound all upset.

"Oh it's ok Sharelle not all girls are as talented and beautiful like me." She smirked before walking past me into the hall i smirked and looked up. "That bitch." I muttered to myself...

 Shailee on the side...>

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