Chapter Seven- She looks just like Hannah...?

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Diggy POV

We all jumped out of the car and ran to the girl. When we got to her we were greeted by her angry, yelling friend.

"How the fuck could you hit my friend, you're supposed to be watching where the fuck you're going!!" She yelled for what felt like hours until Kiloni interrupted.

"Look, there's no way we're gonna settle this if you don't calm down and talk! Dig, call the police."

I called the police as they all talked. After the call I decided to take in my surroundings and think.So far all I knew was that the girl we hit was Kiersey, her friend's name is Christina, and that we hit Kiersey.

I was actually gonna break and run but I quickly thought against it for two reasons. One, my image is already fucked up and two, that girl looked a lot like Hannah. I was thrown out of my thoughts when the ambulance came.

As they were putting the girl in the truck one of the police officers glared at me. "You're that little singing nigga that my daughter adored that ducked over all his fans!"

I gritted my teeth hard and stared at her. "Look, were here for this girl not your petty ass so shut the fuck up and do your job!"I exclaimed.

He looked at me for a minute and then got in the truck. Kiloni, Jacob, that Christina girl, and I hopped in Jake's car and sped to the hospital.

When we got there Christina and Loni ran to the front desk and got the room information. "Room 305!" Once we heard that we made our way to the room. "Are you the family of Kiersey Clemons?" We all simply nodded. "Well, she's very lucky. The impact of the hit was very strong but fortunately it didn't hit her anywhere that would bad enough to cause a major problem. She is expected to make a full recovery."

"May we go check on her" Jake said?

"Of course, but two at a time. She is sleeping." We let the girls go in first while me and jake went to go sit.

After a few minutes I got a call and went to go take it.


"Daniel, what the fuck is wrong with you? How are we going to boost your career again if you keep on fucking up? First the pictures now you getting in wrecks!" My manager screamed.

"Chill out, I know I keep screwing up ok! But I'll call you when I get out of the hospital." And I hung up not waiting for a response.

By the time I walked back to the group the girls were sitting down talking while jake was in the room. I walked in to see Jake sitting in a chair with his head in his hands. I sat beside and said what was on my mind after a while. "Ayo Jake you know sumn. That girl Kiersey look just like Hannah."

He looked up at her and studied her, squinting his eyes. "No she doesn't, Hannah looked more like a hoe. Kiersey doesn't look like that."

Kiersey POV

I woke up and I heard two manly voices "No she doesn't, Hannah looked more like a hoe. Kiersey doesn't look like that.". I smiled and raised my head up. Well tried, I had a MAJOR headache.

"Aww, fuck!" I mumbled.

When I said that the boys looked up at me. Dig went to go get the doctor while I studied Jacob. He was tall, caramel skinned, with dark brown eyes, brown hair, and abs for days that I could see through his shirt. When I finally looked up he was smirking.

"Like what you see princess?" he smiled.

"You just hit me with your car and you already flirting." I lowered my eye lids at him.

"You gotta make the best of a situation right!" Just as he got that sentence out everyone came back in. He smiled at me as we listened to the doctor get ready to speak.To bad he'd be my next client soon.


I sighed and sat back in my hospital bed after the boys had left. "Wow, Ms.Clemons you must be very popular, you've had six visits already." The nurse gushed while folding some towels.

I smiled. "Oh, just call me Ms.Smith."

She turned her head to the side. "I thought your name was Kiersey Clemons?"

I smiply shook my head. "No no, it's Sandra Smith." Hey, what harm could it do?

A smile returned back to her plump white cheeks. "Ok, i'll call you that fro-"

"Kiersey!! Kiersey!! BABY WHERE ARE YOU?!?" Ugh, thanks for ruining my cover, i rolled my eyes as Jamie ran over to me with his golden brown waves flopping down his tanned skin.

"Jamie!! It's Sandra how much times do i have to tell you!" I said through my teeth as the nurse glanced at the two of us.

I was took by surprise as he scooped me up into his arms, wow i never knew he cared so much!!! "Sandra, me and your mother have been so worried!" He said with the most warm voice ever but the most frigid facial expression ever, hmm, i knew it was too good to last.

"Really? You look pretty young to be a father..." The nurse clashed her eye brows together.

"Damn woman, stay out of our business!" He whipped his head around to her as she raised her eye brows in a stunned expression before turning and walking out of the door. 

Once the door closed Jamie turned to me with his nostrils flaring. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!" He yelled, and for once i was actually scared of him.

"Don't yell at me, they were the ones that ran me over." I shrugged. 

"This could have ruined our company, and our business, you're the best actress we have and if we were to lose you...Lockhold would be finish.." He looked worriedly out of the window as if he could see the near future.

"Gee, thanks for your sympathy.." I rolled my eyes.

He flicked his hand at me. "Oh whatever you know i care about you...but i'm thinking of our company...please tell me you don't have amnesia!!" He bit onto the tips of his finger nails.

I sighed loudly. "No, i don't have amnesia!" I shook my head at him after saying the answer realizing how stupid the question was. 

"Good! Thats means we can start on the training on about you start on your next Client on Tuesday? and on Wednesday-"

"UGH! Jamie your giving me a fucking migrain!" I muttered rubbing my temples.

"I'm sorry but we need to start the-"


"Kiersey, i'm warning you we-"

"Ciao! Bon voyage! Sayanora! Be well fellow citizen!" 

He sighed and walked out of the huge white and brown doors, i smiled in satisfaction before placing my hands behind my head. 

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