Parts 1+2

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Part 1

She heard the front door slam knowing it would be Cheryl she jumped out of bed and run down the stairs to greet her girlfriend of 2 years. Cheryl had been away to LA for her new album and they hadn’t seen each other for over a month, When Kimberley reached the bottom of the stairs she noticed that Cheryl had just put her suitcase on the floor Kimberley looked at her in amazement her toned legs were perfect and her face glowing from the LA sun her hair tied back into a pony tail it was only when Cheryl spoke she snapped out of fixation 

“Do I get a hug then ?” Cheryl said

“Of course” Kim replied

Kimberley embraced Cheryl tightly smelling her scent and her coconut shampoo

“I missed you baby” said Kim as she broke of the hug

“I missed you to baby more than you know” replied Cheryl

Something about the way Cheryl said this made Kim uneasy she could sense something was wrong with her but didn’t push her for an answer

“So how was LA?”Kim asked

“I didn’t really get that much time to enjoy it I was working the whole time but I saw Nadine” she replied

“how is she ?” Kim said as they went to the living room

“She fine she’s planning the wedding so she asked if I could help her “

“Oh right was she excided?”

“She seemed to be” Cheryl replied

They sat on the sofa whilst making chit chat about everything when suddenly Cheryl shoot up from the sofa and run to the bathroom locking the door

“Chez are u okay baby?” Kimberley asked worried about her

“yeah its just all that traveling has made me a bit ill and tired” Cheryl replied whilst opening the door

“Why don’t you go upstairs and rest for a couple of hours then babes “ said Kim

“Yeah I think I will do babes” she replied

As Cheryl climbed the stairs Kim started to think about what could be wrong with Cheryl , When they hugged earlier Kim had noticed that Cheryl was holding back a bit like she was in pain or something but Kim soon pushed it to the back of her mind telling herself she was thinking about it to much.

part 2

Later that evening

Cheryl woke up she felt better after she had slept but she couldn’t shake of the pains in her stomach

“I must have a bug or something” she thought to herself

There was a bang downstairs telling her that her Kimba must be down there, while she was away in LA she missed Kimberley so much she found it hard to breathe sometimes but she is just glad that she is home. Cheryl got out of bed and went downstairs to see what Kim was doing she was in the kitchen making dinner Cheryl stood in the door way and just watched her she loved everything about Kimberley the way her curves where in the right places the way she walked around the kitchen with a elegance 

“You feeling better babes?”Kim asked

Cheryl was still in her fixation so she didn’t hear what Kim had said so Kim said it again and Cheryl snapped out of it.

“Yeah I feel much better it was just jetlag” she replied with a dimpled smile

“I'm glad to hear that baby“ Kim replied as she went over to Cheryl to embrace her in a tight hug

“Baby I love you so much you know that right” she said and asked

“yeah I know hunni I love you too  “ Kim replied with a smile that took Cheryl’s breath away 

Kimberley broke away form the hug immediately Cheryl missed the contact so she went up to Kim from behind as Kim was doing dinner and hugged her

“Baby I'm trying to do dinner” Kim laughed

“I know but I missed you” Cheryl said quietly

Kim turned around in the hug so she was facing Cheryl gave her a lingering kiss and said

“I missed you to baby, now set the table up coz I know your hungry after that long flight”

At that moment Cheryl's stomach made a loud noise telling her she was indeed hungry

“okay” Cheryl said as she set up the table for dinner

The girls ate their dinner whilst talking about what they had done over the month they spent apart

“I'm seeing Nic and Sarah tomorrow do u wanna join Kim asked Cheryl

“aww babes I would love to but I have a meeting in the afternoon” Cheryl replied sadly she missed her girls all of them they are her best friends after all

“that okay babes we can meet up with them together on another day Kim smiled

In that moment the pains in Cheryl's stomach got worse she felt like she was going to vomit so ran to the bathroom to be sick with Kim close behind her

“Chez I think you should call the doctor to get checked out” Kim said worried as she held Cheryl's hair back and rubbed her back

“Yeah I think I will babes I've probably just got a bug” she replied

They went out of the bathroom and went up stairs so they could get changed in to the night clothes after that Cheryl rang the doctor

“What time is your appointment” asked Kim as Cheryl walked into the room in her PJs

“it’s at 12 so I will still have time to go to my meeting” she smiled

“do you want me to come with you and can meet the girls another day if you want?”

“No it’s okay babes I will be fine stop worry go meet the girls” Cheryl replied with honest smile

“okay babes but text me when you find out what wrong okay promise?”

“I will do babes”

They both got into bed with Cheryl hugging Kim from behind

“night beautiful “ said Cheryl

“night baby sweet dreams” Kim replied

“I always have sweet dreams because they always have you in them” Cheryl smiled against Kim's neck.

Kim turned around so she was facing Cheryl

“I love you so much babes” Kim said whilst giving her a kiss on the lips

“I love you more “Cheryl replied

They both lay there staring into each other eyes whilst they slowly drifted of to sleep 

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