Parts 9+10

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Part 9

“Bye girls” Kimberley said as she waved the girls off, once she shut the door she went to the front room where Cheryl was sat
“Hey baby u okay” Kim asked
“Yeah I’m fine just glad to have sometime alone with you now” Cheryl smiled , Kim sat down next to Cheryl and put her arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head
“What time you picking your mum up from the train station tomorrow?”
“About 1ish” Cheryl replied shutting her eyes and nuzzling Kim’s neck after a minute or so of doing that she placed gentle kisses there and then brought her head back to look Kimberley in the eye
“I can’t wait to see this little on Monday” said Cheryl as she rubbed her stomach she didn’t have bump but she rubbed her stomach still.
“I know me either” Kim said smiling at the thought of seeing the baby on the screen at the scan
“Babes I know we don’t have to talk about this now but I want to ask you if you would like the baby’s last name to be tweedy-Walsh” Cheryl asked Kim
“Aww babes I would love that” Kim said as she kissed she on the lips
“I’m glad, this baby is ours and it will get spoiled I can tell with them three as aunties” Cheryl laughed and yawned at the same time
“You tired baby?”
“Yeah I am a little bit” replied Cheryl
“Do you want to go to bed?”
“Yeah go on then” they both got up and walked hand in hand towards and up the stairs Once upstairs they got changed and got into bed Cheryl laid her head on Kim’s chest immediately Kim started stroking Cheryl’s hair 
“Goodnight beautiful” Cheryl said as her eyes were getting heavier
“Night angel” Kim then gave her a kiss on the head and they both slowly drifted to sleep 

Part 10

Kimberley woke up she rolled over to her side and opened her eyes to see Cheryl sound asleep by her side she looked so peaceful and cute when she slept kim started to stroke her face, Cheryl smiled in her sleep, Kimberley got out of bed jumped in the shower and got dressed and went down stairs to make some breakfast , as she was cooking the bacon she heard footsteps coming down the stairs then Cheryl came into view in the kitchen doorway
“Something smells good” Cheryl smiled giving Kimberley a kiss on the cheek Kim passed Cheryl her bacon sandwich and sat down to eat hers they made small chit chat while eating then when Cheryl finished she got up to get ready to pick her mum up form the station. Kim started on the washing up half an hour later the Geordie appeared with her hair and make-up done beautifully and said her good bye and that she will be back soon.
Cheryl got in her car not before noticing the amount of pap's where outside their gate, she knew the news about her and Kimberley’s  relationship would be huge news but not like this with about 100 pap's outside their house Cheryl drove carefully out of their drive as to not run any of the pap's over
Cheryl arrived at the train station on time when she parked her car she saw her mum standing outside the station so got out of the car and walked over to her.
“Hey mam”
“Hello darling you okay?” Joan said to her daughter
“yeah I’m fine thanks come lets get in the car”
Both women walked to the car and got in Cheryl then drove out of the parking space and then set direction to her and Kim’s house
“Babes we’re back” Cheryl shouted as she walked through the front door
Kim then walked into the hallway and greeted Cheryl with a kiss on the lips
“Hiya Joan how was the journey “
“Hello pet yeah the journey was fine” replied Joan as she hugged Kimberley , Cheryl then went into the kitchen to do some tea as her mam and Kim went into the living room
“So how have you been Kimberley” Joan asked
“I’ve been good and you?”
“Not to bad same as usual really” Joan laughed, Cheryl walked in with the tea
“How is Gillian, Joe and Gary? Cheryl asked her mum
“They are all okay love”
“And how about Andrew is he alright” Cheryl said she didn’t like to talk about her older brother Andrew as he was now in jail but she loved and cared for him still
“He is doing the best he can where he is” Joan replied with a smile
“So what the big news well I’m guessing its big as you asked me to come down to tell me and not just tell me over the phone” Joan said looking at Cheryl then to Kimberley
“Well the thing is mam is that well me and kimba we are , well I’m pregnant so we are expecting a baby” Cheryl said slowly
“Pet that’s brilliant news I’m happy for the both of you” Joan said as she got up and hugged both of the girls tightly , Cheryl was relived her mam didn’t ask how she got pregnant because that would have been another thing to tell her that her drink got spiked while she was out drinking in LA .
“How far gone are you?”
“I’m 4 weeks tomorrow and I’m we’re going for a scan  tomorrow as well.
“Aww pet I’m so happy for the both of you, you both will make wonderful mothers” Joan said as she sat back down on the sofa
“Thank you Joan” Kimberley said
The women spent the rest of the afternoon talking about the baby and what had been happening in their lives.
“I’m tired baby” Cheryl said as she placed her head on Kim’s shoulder
“Aww do you want to go up to bed”
“Yeah we have a busy day tomorrow”
“I know come on then beautiful” Kim said holding her hand out for Cheryl to take so they could go upstairs to bed
They both climbed the stairs and got changed and went to bed hugging each other tightly as they slept.

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