Parts 19+20

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Part 19

Later that evening the girls were in nadine's front room watching TV when nadine went out to the kitchen so cheryl followed her out

"Nadine can I tell you something"

"yeah of course babes what's up"

"well the thing is I wanna buy something for kimba but I need your help because you know where everything is"

"okay what are you looking for"

"well...." cheryl told nadine about her plan and at the end nadine had a huge grin on her face

"I cant believe it babes your really gonna do this?"

"yep I'm very sure about it I love kimba soo much"

"awww well I hope it goes to plan we will go out tomorrow while the girls stay here yeah"

"yeah that sounds brilliant babes thank you" cheryl went over to nadine and gave her a hug when we parted they went to the front room

"what was you talking about in there then baby" said kim as cheryl sat next to her on the sofa

"oh nothing just some stuff nadine offered to take me out tomorrow just the two of us is that okay?"

"yeah that's fine me and the girls will probably lay in the sun all day"

"okay then hunny" cheryl gave kimberley a lingering kiss in the lips

"get a room you's two" sarah said as she saw the couple kissing

"oh shut it sarah they are in love leave em alone" nicola said

"well girls we are going to go to bed as cheryl is falling asleep here on the sofa" kimberley said pulling cheryl up to her feet

"night" all three girls said at the same time

Cheryl and kimberley made there way to their room they got dressed into their night ware and got into bed cheryl turned to face kim

"I love you kimba so much baby" cheryl said whilst stroking kims cheek

"I love you too sweetheart" kim replied smiling cheryl held kimberley's hand in her own and they both drifted off to sleep hand in hand

The next morning cheryl got up early as her and nadine where setting her plan into action she got showered and dressed and left the room quietly not before giving kim a kiss on the head cheryl went downstairs to be greeted by nadine drinking some coffee

"morning babes" nadine said happily

"morning chick" cheryl replied

"you ready to go?"

"yeah I'm ready babes" both girls went out of the house and into nadine's car nadine started the car and headed into town where cheryl was to get what she needed to surprise kimberley

nadine and cheryl walked into the shop and cheryl started to look round and asking for nadine's opinion

"I've found the one Nadz" cheryl said as she stared at the object of  her fixation

"oh babes  its lovely" nadine said gasping

"do you think she will like it"

"sweetheart she will love it I'm sure of it"

at that moment the shop assistant came over to them

"can I help you with anything ladies"

"yes please I would like to buy that there" cheryl said pointing to the object

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